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New Jersey Student Learning Assessment


New Jersey Student Learning Assessment is administered each year in the Spring to students in grades 3rd - 6th at Cape May City Elementary School. Each student in grades 3rd - 6th will take part in the English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments. Students in 5th grade take an additional assessment for Science. Below are links for tools available to each student in the assessment and practice assessments. 


NJSLA Online Tools 


NJSLA Practice Tests

 Steps for accessing practice tests:

Under the sign-in information, select "Practice Test".

Select the content area you with to practice (ELA/Math/Science).

Select the grade level.

Select "Computer-Based Test".

Select the "Unit" you with to practice. (Feel free to pick anything your would like.)

*Please note, nothing is saved and nothing is linked to your name in the practice tests.


Start Strong Assessment


The Start Strong Assessment is designed to assess the prior-year standards and is administered in the Fall. This assessment is administered to grades 4th - 6th in ELA and Math and grade 6th for Science. These assessments are designed to be short and provide a snapshot of the academic progress from the following year. The platform is similar to the NJSLA platform and provides the same tolls and accommodations.