page contents


Grading Criteria:


Class Preparation - it is your responsibility to come to class with either homework, notes to read, study guides, novels to read etc...There is  always something to work on and/or review. Students who have never had me as their teacher will learn that I do not subscribe to the sentence, " I don't have any work to do."  In fact, there is always something to attend to when it comes to your education. Please understand it is for your own positive development.

Classwork - within each week we attempt to  examine a particular "study skill strategy".  It is not my intention to intesify the amount of classwork. However, I will if necessary. I would prefer we adhere to my objectives.

Time on Task - the goal is to work from bell to bell!! Bringing something to do for five minutes is not acceptable.




Study Skills Class -

1. Come prepared - you're doing a nice job with this, keep it up

2. Stay on task - do your work, it's not a social hour :)

3. Improve on study skill strategies - I will continue to deliver more lessons to group/individual  

4. Complete assessments - when necessary - let me know when and if they're coming!

5. Respect the integrity of our study environment - keep noise down!
6. Behave appropriately

7. Use me - ask for help!!!

8. Be on time

Goals for all other classes:

-Be on time

-Be prepared


-Use your agendas everyday

-Complete and turn in all homework assignments

-Communicate with your teachers effectively

-Stay organized, pick a day in Study Skills class to go through all your folders and notebooks etc...

-Behave appropriately

-Keep Mr. Cortese and your parents in the loop


Individual conferences:

It is my intention to meet with each student at least twice a week (depending on the class) using "oncourse" to examine grades from all classes.



IEP Implementation:


All IEP's have been distributed to teachers. I have already impressed upon them the importance of each student's IEP. I will communicate with them ensuring all modifications are executed. I will remain in contact with Dr. Kern and Mrs. Dalton, Case Managers, in regards to my students - your children.  I believe a high school student should be their own best advocate.  If they are uncomfortable advocating for themselves, we make that a goal to improve upon. Otherwise, I will continue to advocate for them. My colleagues have done a great job over the years working with me.