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1. Second and Third marking periods you will be responsible for a current event each week. Please choose a news article to read. No celebrity gossip or sports scores! Complete the graphic organizer highlighting the 5w's and write a summary including the impact it has on you or the significance to us now. The day you have been assigned is the day you will present your current event each week. Be prepared.


2. Throughout the entire year, each student will be responsible for completing a variety of research projects, which will involve both group and individual "student-driven" research. Always remember that when completing cooperative group work your team will depend upon your participation to be successful.


3. Several forms of assessments will be assigned throughout the year. Some of the assessments to look forward to include speeches, tests, art projects, essays and technology based projects.


4. Since we will be involved in many classroom activities, discussions, mini-lessons and group projects throughout the year, I would strongly recommend that you make every effort to participate and keep good notes. 


5. Most important, you are in control of your grade. Please be sure to check due dates and get your work in on time. IF at any time you don't understand something please ask.