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  1. Go to Mrs. Chisholm’s website and click on the Egyptian Pharaoh link on the right hand side (yay! you did it)
  2. Click on the following link and choose a pharaoh.


 If you want to research a pharaoh that isn’t listed, ask Mrs. Chisholm.
Pharaoh’s Name:______________________________________________

3. Once you chose a pharaoh, go to  (this link is also listed on my website)

4. First, add your pharaoh’s name.

5. Next, create 5 posts from your pharaoh- In order to create these posts (they must be HISTORICAL) you must do research!  You can use any of the links listed on my website or do a google search.

6. Once you create the 5 posts, click on save!  Use the following password- Berlin 15

*This step is important- Copy and paste the link provided to a word document.  Then, save this document to my folder under your name.   If you don’t do this, all of your work will be lost

7. After you create 5 posts, customize the “about me” section.   Include birthdate and family members.  Where it says that you can add additional lines, write at least ONE interesting fact about your pharaoh.

8. Add two comments from someone else onto your page.  For example, this could be from one of your advisors, slaves, or a country you may be invading, etc.

9. Now you can customize your page with different photos.

10. Once completed, check your rubric and give yourself a grade.    Make any necessary changes if needed. 

11. Finally, print and attach this page to your project.  Write your names on the project!

- ______ 30 points (5 status updates that their historically accurate- 6 pts. each)

- ______ 15 points (Facebook page includes pictures)
- ______ 15 points (Facebook page includes an about me section)

- ______ 15 points (Facebook page includes 2 comments from another person)

- ______ 25 points (Used time wisely, worked with partner successfully)


____________ = total grade for both partners

Links to use for research!
