Belleville Public Schools Curriculum
02. Elementary Schools (K-6)
4th Grade
Elementary Content Areas
Appendix A-1: Readers Workshop Schedule 2-6.pdf
Appendix A-2: Sample 4th Grade Readers Workshop Lesson (Comprehension Skill).pdf
Appendix A-3: Reading Lesson Plan Template (Blank).docx
Appendix A-4: Reading Resources 2-6.pdf
Appendix A-5a: Reader Response Prompts for Fiction and NonFiction 4-6.pdf
Appendix A-5b: Categorized Readers Prompts 4-6.pdf
Appendix A-6: Readers Workshop 2019 Presentation.pdf
Appendix B-1: Writers Workshop Schedule K-6.pdf
Appendix B-2: 4th Grade Wonders Writing Units.pdf
Appendix B-3: Sample 4th Grade Writers Workshop Lesson (Narrative).pdf
Appendix B-4: Writing Lesson Plan Template (Blank).docx
Appendix B-5: Writing Resources 2-6.pdf
Appendix B-6: Writers Workshop 2019 Presentation.pdf
Appendix of Accommodations and Modifications: Special Education/504, ELL, G&T, and At Risk Students
Appendix of Bloom's Taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge.pdf
MultiTiered System of Supports - Belleville 2019-2020.pdf
Pacing Guide
Unit 1: Clever Ideas
Unit 2: Amazing Animals
Unit 3: Community Spirit
Unit 4: Fact or Fiction?
Unit 5: Figure It Out
Unit 6: Past, Present, and Future