page contents


 Obj: Swbat understand the idea that there are bascic characteristics that seperate life from non-life and that the smallest unit of  organizattion are cells.



Science Assignments


If you are unable to complete the assignment on line please make arrangements to pick it up or contact me at [email protected]








3/30/2020- NJ Curriculum Standards: 6-8 MS LS1-1.3.1 and 1.3.2


_scan (3)Science.pdf 


Day 1 Life Science
Obj: Swbat define and identify Organelles

Proc: Reading comprehension

Eval: Multilple choice #1-5
Day 2

Obj: Swbat compare Plant and Animal Cells on a Chart

Proc; use google and  previously taught papers

Eval: Complete Chart and QUestions 1-4


 Day 3

Obj: Swbat complete a Venn Diagram to seperate
palnt and animal cells, become familiar with the cells of each

Proc:  recognize different cell parts
Day 4

Obj: Swbat understand the functiions of 3 types of ground tissue in Cells     Proc: Reading Comprehension "Cells" Eval: Written Answers #1-4


Week of April 13,2020


Obj: Swbat read  and understand cell division and miosis


4/13-4/20 a page for each day


 WebPage (4) (2).pdf