page contents

Obj: Swbat contiune learning and applying their knowledge about women of the past and present . Students will read, watch videos and write about what they have learned as they contiune our study for Women's History Month



Each Student should log into

Use Code: 4DZQA4 or  try 4D2QA4


Click on Dr. Backus's LAL Class, you'll find your name and assignment




Scroll down to Extraodinary Women.


You will be studying 8 extraodinary women and watching videos on youtube, have fun!


Oprah Winfrey

Hillary Clinton

Malala Yousafzai

Susan B. Anthony

Ada Lovolace

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Mae Jemison

Sonia Motomayor


* You can type you questions and answers in an email  and send them to me, just how I have taught you.


* If you do not have the internet , please make arrangements to pick up all of your work by contacting me at 856-423-2222 or use my email [email protected]



March 30,2020 Week 3

NJ Curriculum Standards- Soc.6.1.8.D



Obj: Swbat read,review, study and become familiar with 15 vocabulary
words associated with Women's History Month; match the vocab. words
with meaning using definition sheet


Day 3

Obj: Swbat unscramble vacabulary words

Proc: Women's History Word Scramble


 Day 4-5

Obj: Swbat find the words in the puzzle by reading the description
and using the definitions from day 1



You are doing a Great Job, Let's contiune talking to each other and remember to work at your own pace. Packets are in the main office.