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Obj: Swbat to practice Language Arts Literacy skills on an individualized level, that is geared towards his or her learning.


 Hello Everyone you will be using your for LAL



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Password- 1234


Class Code- CFQDM6

Your Grade Will Be Added Upon Completion

NJ Standards: CCSS.L.7.4.A and

  • .Recognize the main idea
  • .Recall details
  • .Describe characters and character traits
  • .Draw Conclusions
  • .Understand Vocabulary


Each student has their own individual assignments and remember I am able to see if you are having any concerns.


Weeks 3-4 

NJ Curriculum Standards: LA. RL.7.2

                                     LA. RI. 7Day 4

 _scan (4)LAL.pdf 

 1. We are reviewing the Central(Main)Idea which is the most important idea in the passage.


2. We just started thinking about the Inference of a story. Remember the inference is the idea or the conclusion you draw from the supporting details, like an educated guess.


Obj: Swbat identify the central idea and inference of a story
over the next 5 days

Proc: Daily Reading: Central Idea and Inference

Eval: Daily comprehension and 3 questions  


Packets are available from the school or in your email. Please email me any concerns.


Week of 4/13/2020


Obj: Swbat increase reading comprehension and identify main ideas/details based on individual labels


Pro: Raz-Kids, use ind. codes


Eval: 2 main idea completions and leveled books reading.