You are to find and read an article on a current issue from your assigned area of the world (Africa, Asia,
Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East). IT CAN NOT BE AN ENTERTAINMENT OR SPORTS
ARTICLES. (Quiz grade)
You are now a journalist and need to write a summary of the article for your newspaper (Minimum 10
complete sentences) that:
1. Identifies the 5 Ws: who, what, where, when and why
2. Includes link or copy of the article (at the end), completes the FCAs, and heading (See below)
3. Be able to locate the area of the topic of your article on a map
4. Answers these Sourcing questions:
a) Who wrote this?
b) What is the author's perspective? (Their point of view)
c) Is it reliable? Why or why not? (Is there any bias)
5. What Character Education can be taught from this article?
FCAs: 1) Main Idea 25 pts Name
2) Content 50 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starters 25 pts
Title: Current Issue Summary
What they mean:
1. Your summary has a well stated main idea of your article (Underlined).
2. Your summary addresses the 5 Ws and you label right in your summary where they appear.
3. Can not start two sentences with the same word (Circle all first words of sentences).
The quote: "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" actually tries to give the readers
a message that a condition could be apparently positive or negative at the same time, depending
upon the view point of the perceiver. In a standard five paragraph essay show how this statement
is true from the perspective of three different characters from A Tale of Two Cities.
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due Date 9-25-19
3) Closing Paragraph 10 pts
4) Use of Vocab 10 pts
Title: A Tale of Two Cities Perspective
What they mean: 1) Organized (Label four elements of an opening paragraph A-B-C-D),
clearly wrtten, and it contains a thesis statement (underline)
2) Three body paragraphs that each describes in detail a different characters
perspective (Label four elements body paragraph A-B-C-D and ICE)
3) Effective closing paragraph that includes all three elements
(Label three elements of a closing paragraph A-B-C)
4) Use three words from Group 1 vocab correctly and high lite
Out of class essay outline due 9-13 (24 hwk pts)
First draft with editing (16 hwk pts), recollect outline (8hwk pts), and final draft (Test grade) due 9-25-19
In a standard five paragraph essay compare and contrast the ____ Presidential candidates in the
following areas: 1) Tax Plan 2) Border Security and Immigration Reform 3) Approach to ISIS
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due Date
3) Closing Paragraph 10 pts
4) Use of Active verbs
in analysis 10 pts
Title: ____ Presidential Election
What they mean:
1) Organized, clearly written, label four elements A-B-C-D, and underline thesis statement
2) Three body paragraphs that each compares and contrasts the three election issues
in detail (Label four elements of body paragraphs A-B-C-D and ICE)
3) Effective closing paragraph that includes three elements
(Label three elements A-B-C)
4) Use active verbs in your analysis of the six pieces of textual evidence
Out of class essay outline due 10-17 (24 hwk pts)
First draft with editing (16 hwk pts), recollect outline (8 hwk pts), Self reflection handout (8 hwk pts),
Recollect ATTC Essay (8 hwk pts), and final draft with FCAs (Test grade)
Include a bibliography of sources used as textual evidence (MLA Format)
DUE DATE 10-26-16
Using what you learned from: The Enlightenment Philosophers: What was their main idea? Mini-Q
create an opening paragraph of an essay that would answer that question.
(Due / Quiz grade)
FCAs: 1) Hook 25 pts Name
2) Question statement 25 pts Due
3) Thesis statement 25 pts
4) Framing of argument 25 pts
Title: Enlightened Philosophers Mini-Q Opening Paragraph
What they mean: 1) Creative intro that is a minimum of three complete sentences and
shows some creativity (Grabber / historical background)
Label A
2) A statement or question that clearly identifies the question your
essay will be answering
Label B
3) A strong thesis statement (underlined) that clearly answers your
question statement and identifies the theme of your essay
(It must be able to stand on its own)
Label C
4) Framing of argument effectively introduces the themes of your
body paragraphs (4 buckets)
Label D
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: The Reign of Terror:
Was it justified?
(Due Monday November 11: out of class outline / 24 hwk pts)
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 45 pts Due Date
3) Closing Paragraph 10 pts
4) Use of Documents 15 pts
5) Use of Vocab 10 pts
Title: The Reign of Terror: Was it justified? DBQ
What they mean: 1) Organized, clearly written, underline thesis statement and label the
four elements of an opening paragraph A-B-C-D
2) Three body paragraphs that each describes in detail a different bucket that
supports your thesis statement and label the four elements of a body paragraph
A-B-C-D and your ICE
3) Label the three elements of a closing paragraph A-B-C
4) Use at least three of the documents in support of your thesis and citation
at end of evidenced used from documents (Doc. #)
5) Use correctly and circle four vovabulary from Group 1, 2, 3, or 4
Due date November 21, 2019: first draft(16 hwk pts), final draft (test), recollect outline (8 hwk pts),
recollect A Tale of Two Cities Essay (8 hwk pts),
and Self Reflection (8 hwk pts)
Imagine you are living in the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Select one of the following individuals: a miner, factory worker, child laborer, working class mother, middle class woman, or factory owner, and write a three day journal in the role of your assumed character. Record the events in a day and include specific details of the person's life (activities, observations, feelings and emotions). Include FCAs on top three lines on the left side and SKIP lines when writing. (Due / Quiz grade)
FCAs: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocabulary 20 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starter 20 pts
Title: A Day in My Life During the Industrial Revolution
What they mean: 1) Three journal entries that discusses different events of a day in the life
(Home life and work life) / 20 pts each
2) Use correctly and underline five terms from Group 4 or Group 5
3) Within a paragraph you can not start two sentences with the same word
/ circle all first words
Vocabulary bank: Any five terms from Group 4 Group 5
Write a body paragraph for the DBQ - Female Mill Workers in England and Japan:
How similar were their experiences? (Due December 4, 2017 / Quiz grade)
FCAs: 1. Paragraph topic sentence 15 pts Name
2. Reason 1 ICEed 35 pts Due 12-4-17
3. Reason 2 ICEed 35 pts
4. Paragraph closing sentence 15 pts
Title: Female Mill Workers DBQ Body Paragraphs
1. Follow the guidelines for an academic essay body paragraph (Review handbook if necessary)
2. Label the four elements of a body paragraph A-B-C-D
3. Label ICE (Use STEMs and correct citations)
4. Circle active verbs in E (analysis)
(Remember an effective E (analysis) uses active verbs and answers how and why)
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following DBQ question - Female Mill Workers in England
and Japan: How Similar Were Their Experiences?
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 45 pts Due Date
3) Closing Paragraph 10 pts
4) Use of Voc 10 pts
5) Use of Documents 15 pts
Title: Comparing Female Mill Workers DBQ
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, contains the four elements of opening paragraph (labeled
A-B-C-D), and underline the thesis statement
2) Three body paragraphs that each discusses in detail a similarity or difference
(Make sure you include all of the elements of a body paragraph labeled A-B-C-D,
also label your ICE for each piece of evidence)
3) Closing paragraph that contains three effective elements (Labeled A-B-C)
4) Use five vocab terms correctly and underline from Groups 2,3,4, or 5
5) Must reference at least five different documents and correctly site them
Ex. (Doc.1) should appear at the end
Outline assigned and due (24 hwk pts)
Essay due (Test)
Recollect outline on (8 hwk pts)
First draft with editing due 1 (16 hwk pts)
Self Reflection on Presidential Election Essay due (8 hwk pts)
Recollect Presidential Essay on (8 hwk pts)
American Legion Essay
Opening Paragraph 20 points (Label 4 elements underline thesis)
Content 45 points (Label 3 elements A,B,D of each of the three body paragraphs)
Closing 15 points (Label three elements)
Use of Active Verbs 10 points (Underline / high light)
Use of transitions 10 points (Circle)
Need word count at end, Bibliography of sources used, and must be typed
Recollect outline 8hwk pts
Recollect Advancements IR Essay 8 hwk pts
First draft with editing 16 hwk pts
Final draft with FCAs Test
Self Reflection Handout (Reflect on IR Essay) 8 hwk pts
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: What were the underlying causes of
World War I?
Step 1: Complete out of class essay outline / worth 24 homework points Due
Step 2: When you get outline back write first draft
Step 3: Edit first draft and then complete final draft Due
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 45 pts Due Date
3) Use of Documents 15 pts
4) Closing paragraph 10 pts
5) Use of transitions 10 pts
Title: Underlying Causes of World War I
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, contains the four elements of opening paragraph / label each
A. creative intro B. question statement C. thesis statement (underline it as well)
D. framing of argument
2) Three body paragraphs that contain the elements of a body paragraph that
each discusses in detail a different underlying cause of WW I (Label A-B-C-D)
3) Reference at least three documents from the DBQ and label (Doc. #)
4) Label three elements of closing paragraph (Label A-B-C)
5) Use tranistions from paragraph to paragraph, and from reason to reason (Underline)
Reminder: FCAs on top five lines on the left side, name and due date on top two lines to the right, include title, and if final draft is hand written skip lines.
Hand in first draft (must show editing) worth 16 homework points, rehand in outline (8 hwk pts), and the final draft (Test)
Plus recollect old essay worth 8 hwk pts
Both the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution stand for the principle of the rule of law.
But what does that principle mean in practice? What do we seek to achieve through rule
of law? Does it matter who makes the law? Does the process of law-making matter? How
do the political structures and processes described in Aristotle's Athenian Constitution and
Polybius' commentary on the constitution of the Roman Republic (Book VI) compare to the
U.S. Constitution? Explain.
FCAs: 1. Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2. Body Paragraph 1 30 pts Due Date:
3. Body Paragraph 2 30 pts Word Count
4. Closing Paragraph 20 pts
Title: "The Magda Carta and the Rule of Law"
What it means:
1. Opening paragraph is organized, clearly written, contains a thesis statement (underlined)
and label all four elements (A-B-C-D)
2-3. Two body paragraphs that each covers the information from overview above
4. Number three elements in closing paragraph
Due Dates:
Outline due 24 hwk pts
Esaay due First draft 16 hwk pts - recollect outline 8 hwk pts - Final draft test
Essay contest copy due 16 hwk pts
Imagine you are living in the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Select one of the following individuals: a miner, factory worker, child laborer, working class mother, middle class woman, or factory owner, and write a three day journal in the role of your assumed character. Record the events in a day and include specific details of the person's life (activities, observations, feelings and emotions). Include FCAs on top three lines on the left side and SKIP lines when writing. (Due / Quiz grade)
FCAs: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocabulary 20 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starter 20 pts
Title: A Day in My Life During the Industrial Revolution
What they mean: 1) Three journal entries that discusses different events of a day in the life
(Home life and work life) / 20 pts each
2) Use correctly and underline five terms from Group 4 or Group 5
3) Within a paragraph you can not start two sentences with the same word
/ circle all first words
Vocabulary bank: Any five terms from Group 4 Group 5
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: What were the most significant
advancements of the Industrial Revolution?
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 45 pts Due Date
3) Closing Paragraph 15 pts
4) Use of Voc 10 pts
5) Use of Transitions 10 pts
Title: Advancements of the Industrial Revolution
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, contains the four elements of opening paragraph (labeled
A-B-C-D), and underline the thesis statement
2) Three body paragraphs that each discusses in detail a different advancement
(Make sure you include all of the elements of a body paragraph labeled A-B-C-D)
3) Closing paragraph that contains three effective elements (Labeled A-B-C)
4) Use five vocab terms correctly and underline from Groups 4 or 5
5) Effective use of transitions in your essay (Starting paragraphs / reason 1 to reason 2)
CIRCLE your transitions and use a variety
Out of class essay outline due (24 hwk pts)
First Draft (16 hwk pts), recollect out of class outline (8 hwk pts), and final draft ( Test grade) DUE
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: What were the underlying causes of
World War I?
Step 1: Complete out of class essay outline / worth 24 homework points Due
Step 2: When you get outline back write first draft
Step 3: Edit first draft and then complete final draft Due
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 45 pts Due Date
3) Use of Documents 15 pts
4) Closing paragraph 10 pts
5) Use of transitions 10 pts
Title: Underlying Causes of World War I
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, contains the four elements of opening paragraph / label each
A. creative intro B. question statement C. thesis statement (underline it as well)
D. framing of argument
2) Three body paragraphs that contain the elements of a body paragraph that
each discusses in detail a different underlying cause of WW I (Label A-B-C-D)
3) Reference at least three documents from the DBQ and label (Doc. #)
4) Label three elements of closing paragraph (Label A-B-C)
5) Use tranistions from paragraph to paragraph, and from reason to reason (Underline)
Reminder: FCAs on top five lines on the left side, name and due date on top two lines to the right, include title, and if final draft is hand written skip lines.
Hand in first draft (must show editing) worth 16 homework points, rehand in outline (8 hwk pts), and the final draft (Test)
Plus recollect old essay worth 8 hwk pts
Both the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution stand for the principle of the rule of law.
But what does that principle mean in practice? What do we seek to achieve through rule
of law? Does it matter who makes the law? Does the process of law-making matter? How
do the political structures and processes described in Aristotle's Athenian Constitution and
Polybius' commentary on the constitution of the Roman Republic (Book VI) compare to the
U.S. Constitution? Explain.
FCAs: 1. Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2. Body Paragraph 1 30 pts Due Date:
3. Body Paragraph 2 30 pts Word Count
4. Closing Paragraph 20 pts
Title: "The Magda Carta and the Rule of Law"
What it means:
1. Opening paragraph is organized, clearly written, contains a thesis statement (underlined)
and label all four elements (A-B-C-D)
2-3. Two body paragraphs that each covers the information from overview above
4. Number three elements in closing paragraph
Due Dates:
Outline due 24 hwk pts
Esaay due First draft 16 hwk pts - recollect outline 8 hwk pts - Final draft test
Essay contest copy due 16 hwk pts
In a standard five paragraph essay complete the following writing task: Discuss how the Industrial Revolution and the New Imperialism combined to create the modern world. Discuss whether these changes were more positive or more negative.
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 15 points Name
2) Content 60 points Due Date
3) Use of Documents 15 points
4) Use of Vocabulary 10 pts
Title: Creating the Modern World DBQ
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, underline thesis statement, and number the four elements
of an opening paragraph 1-2-3-4
2) Three body paragraphs that each describes in detail one (positive or negative) change
created by the Industrial Revolution or New Imperialism
3) Use three documents as supporting evidence / High light each one
4) Use correctly and circle five vocabulary from Groups 5 or 6
Reminders: - FCA s on top three lines on the left
- Skip lines
-Out of class essay Outline due on (24 hwk pts)
- First draft (16 hwk pts) , recollecting outline, and final draft (Test grade) due
Your task in this character profile is to prepare a script for a presentation reflecting the viewpoint of someone who experienced World War I. You will put yourself in that person's shoes in order to understand how the war affected them. You will be assigned someone from one of four categories - political leaders, military leaders, soldiers, and civilians. Your script should include elements from your Character Profile and responses to the Guide Questions.
FCAs: 1) First Person 20 pts
Scripted Presentation
2) Elements of Character Profile 20 pts
3) Responses to Guide Quiestions 40 pts
4) Presentation Carefully Researched 20 pts
Title: World War I Character Profile Presentation
What they mean: 1) 200-300 word scripted presentation in first person
2) High light or underline elements of Character Profile
3) Number each response to Guide Questions
4) Character profile historically accurate
Reminder: FCAs on top four lines left side / skip lines / write on front side only
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: What factors led to the development of a totalitarian states in Russia, Italy, and Germany?
FCAs 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due Date
3) Creative Closing 10 pts
4) Use of Vocab 10 pts
Title: Rise of Dictators
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, underline thesis, and number the four elements of an opening
2) Three body paragraphs each describes in detail how each of the following: Russia, Italy,
and Germany became totalitarian states / Number four elements of a body paragraph for each
3) Effective creative closing that is a minimum of three complete sentences
4) Use correctly and circle five vocabulary from Groups 7 and 8
Reminders: Outline due (24 hwk pts)
First draft (16 hwk pts), recollect outline (8 hwk pts, and final draft (Test) due on
FCAs top four lines on left side
Skip lines
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following DBQ question: How did the Versailles Treaty help
cause World War II?
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 15 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due date 3-18-20
3) Use of Document 10 pts
4) Use of Voc 5 pts
5) Closing Paragraph. 10 pts
Title: How Did Versailles Treaty Help Cause World War II?
What they mean: 1) Organized, clearly written, underline thesis statement, and label the four
elements of an opening paragraph
2) Three body paragraphs that each discusses in detail one topic that supports
your thesis statement (Label four elements A-B-C-D and label ICE)
3) Use at least three documents for your textual evidence (Citation correctly)
4) Use five vocabulary terms correctly from Groups 8-9-10 and circle them
5) Your closing paragraph has all three elements effectively written (Label A-B-C).
Reminders: Outline 24 hwk pts (Assigned 3-4 -20 Due date 3-9-20)
Recollect outline 8 hwk pts, first draft 16 hwk pts, final draft (test)
First draft is what you had at peer editing
In a minimum of fifteen complete sentences answer the following question: What side of the argument
(Isolationism or Intervention) do you support?
FCAs: 1) Creative statement of your position 10 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due
3) Sentence Starters 10 pts
4) Use of Vocab 20 pts
Title: Isolationism vs. Intervention
What they mean: 1) Creatively state your position in the argument and underline it
2) Discuss in detail three points of argument that supports your position /
number each 1-2-3
3) Can not start two sentences within one paragraph with the same word /
circle all first words of sentences
4) Use correctly and highlite four vocabulary from groups 8 and 9
Reminders: Due Friday / Quiz grade / FCAs top four lines on left / skip lines
In a standard five paragraph essay complete the following writing task: Compare and Contrast
the causes of World War I and World War II.
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 15 points Name
2) Use of Vocabulary 10 points Due
3) Content 60 points
4) Use of Documents 15 points
Title: Roots of Conflict DBQ
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, underline thesis statement, and number the four
elements of an opening paragraph
2) Use five vocabulary terms correctly and circle (Groups 8 and 9)
3) Three body paragraphs that each compares and contrasts different causes
of World War I and World War II (Number the four elements)
4) Use three documents as supporting evidence / high light and label Doc. 7 - #
Reminders: Outline due (24 hwk pts)
First draft (16 hwk pts), Final draft (Test), and recollect outline (8 hwk pts) due
FCAs top three lines on left side and skip lines
World War II Group Presentations
Due Test grade
Power Point Presentation / Length 5 to 10 minutes
Your group will be assigned one of the following countries:
Soviet Union Great Britain France
Poland Japan Germany
Your presentation must answer:
1. Why was your country involved in the war?
2. Political leaders
3. Military leaders
4. Key events your country is involved in
5. Home Front (Civilian population)
6. Effects of the war on your country
7. Beyond the textbook (Trivia)
Power Point Visual Presentation 20 pts
(Neat, organized, and visually appealing)
Group Verbal Presentation 20 pts
(Everyone in group participates in presentation)
Content 40 pts
(Presentation affectively answers all categories)
Length 20 pts
(5 to 10 minutes)
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question: The Soviet Union:
What should textbooks emphasize?
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 20 pts Name
2) Content. 45 pts
3) Closing Paragraph 10 pts
4) Use of Documents 15 pts
5) Use of Vocabulary 10 pts
Title: The Soviet Union: What should the textbooks emphasize?
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, label four elements, underline thesis statement
2) Three body paragraphs that each discusses the most significant things from
Soviet Union life during the Cold War that should be emphasized in
textbooks (Label the four elements of a body paragraph)
3) Label the three elements of closing paragraph (follow outline) A. Effective
creative closing intro B. Creative restating main points C. Effective creative
closing statement (So What?)
4) Must reference at least three documents and have correct citation
(Doc. Letter)
5) Use correctly and circle five vocabulary terms from Groups 11-12-13
Reminders: Outline due (24 hwk pts). May 9 or 10, 2019
FCAs top five lines left side
First draft / editing (16 hwk pts), Final draft (Test), and recollect outline (8 hwk pts)
Due May 20
Recollect Self Reflective Handout on Versailles Treaty DBQ Essay (8 hwk pts)
Recollect Versailles Treaty DBQ Essay (8 hwk pts)
Due May 20
Creating a Thesis Statement Checklist:
1. You must begin with topic question (Question statement).
2. You must form an opinion on the question.
3. A thesis statement presents your opinions or thoughts on a subject or issue. You cannot write an
essay without one.
4. A thesis statement must contain a subject + an opinion or claim.
5. A thesis statement answers the topic question (Question statement).
6. A thesis statement should never contain: In my opinion, I think, or I believe.
7. A thesis statement should not be longer than one sentence.
8. Since writing is a process create several trial thesis statements.
Question statement: What is the best strategy to diet?
Thesis statement: The key to successful dieting (subject) is focusing on a specific goal (opinion).
Question statement: What characteristics does the NBA's most valuable player have this season?
Thesis statement: Lebron James' ability to score, pass, and rebound make him (opinion)
the league's most valuable player (subject).
Historical fiction is an invented story based on events that could have taken place during the period
you are writing about. In this writing task create a historical fiction short story that takes place
during the Cold War era.
FCAs: 1. Format 20 pts Name
2. Historical Content 60 pts Due Date
3. Use of Vocab 20 pts
Title: (Your Creation)
What they mean: 1. Creative title / Length 150-250 words
2. Short story is historically accorate
3. Use correctly and underline five vocabulary from groups 12 and 13
In a standard five paragraph essay respond to the following writing task. Much of world history focuses on war;
less is said about peace. The 20th Century gives us three excellent examples of how three men used
non-violence to bring about change even though violence threatened to occur. These leaders - Mohandas
Gandhi in India, Martin Luther King, Jr. in the United States, and Nelson Mandela in South Africa - gave
the world a model for how-violence could work. Gandhi, King and Mandela: What made non-violence work?
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 15 pts Name
2) Closing Paragraph 10pts Due Date 6-8-16
3) Content 60 pts
4) Use of Documents 15 pts
Title: What Made Non-Violence Work?
What they mean: 1) Organized, written clearly, label four elements of opening paragraph (A-B-C-D),
and underline thesis statement
2) Effective and creative and label three elements (A-B-C)
3) Three body paragraphs that each discusses in detail one idea that
supports your thesis statement (Label elements of body paragraph (A-B-C-D)
4) Use at least three different documents
Reminders: Outline hand in on (24 hwk pts) get back on
Recollect old essay (8 hwk pts)
Self Reflection Handout (8 hwk pts)
FCAs top four lines left side
First draft with editing (16 hwk pts), Final draft (Test), and recollect outline (8 hwk pts)
World Today Presentations
Create a 3 to 5 minute presentation on your assigned contemporary issue. Topics will be chosen in class.
You are to use a Minimum of five sources. (Part 1 MP4 Quarterly / 40 %)
FCAs: 1) Bibliography (MLA Format) 25 pts
2) Power Point 50 pts
3) Presentation 25 pts
1. Create bibligraphy in MLA Format with a minimum of five sources
2. Power Point is visually appealing, word limits per slide, and strong use of images
3. Presentation is organized, clear, strong use of note cards (Not reading off Smart Board),
and is 3 to 5 minutes in length
US 2: MP 1
Find a current issue in a newspaper, magazine, or on line. Write a paragraph summary of the article
(Minimum 8 complete sentences) that identifies the who, what, where, why, and when of your article.
The summary should include a main idea, and use different sentence starters. Include heading (below),
and a link to the article at the end. It will count as a quiz grade.
FCAs: 1) Main Idea 25 pts Name
2) Content 50 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starters 25 pts
Title: Current Issue Summary
What they mean: 1) Underline the main idea in your summary
2) Your summary should address the 5ws of journalism.
Write who, what, where, why, and when in front of where it appears in your
3) Within summary you cannot start two sentences with the same word.
Circle all first words of sentences (Sentence Starters).
Restate the question in the first couple of sentences
Answer all parts of the question
Cite textual evidence (According to . . . , The author states . . . , The author argues . . .)
Explain your reasoning (This illustrates . . . , This proves . . . , This shows . . .)
US 2:
Using what you learned from the DBQ: What was the underlying cause of World War I?
Create an opening paragraph of an essay that would answer that question. (Quiz grade)
FCAs: 1) Creative introduction 25 pts Name
2) Question statement 20 pts Due Date
3) Thesis statement 25 pts
4) Framing of argument 20 pts
5) Use of Vocab 10 pts
Title: Causes of World War I DBQ Opening Paragraph
What they mean: 1) Two to three creative sentences that establishes historical background Label A
2) Statement or question that identifies the question your essay will answer Label B
3) Identifies your response to question (theme) / underline it Label C
4) Introduces the themes of your three body paragraphs Label D
5) Use correctly and circle two terms from Word of the Day bank
US 2:
Using what you learned from the DBQ: What were the causes of the booming American economy
during the Twenties? Create an opening paragraph of an essay that would answer that question.
(Quiz grade)
FCAs: Same as above Name
Due Date
Title: Causes of Booming Twenties Economy
What they mean: Same as above
US 2:
You are a World War I soldier experiencing trench warfare. You are to write a three day journal documenting your experiences of trench warfare. You must use correctly and underline the following in your journal: "no-man's land", shell shock, bayonet, and trenches. Use the in class activity to assist your writing. (Expectation: Each entry a minimum of 6-7 complete sentences)
Due October 11 / Quiz grade / SKIP LINES / Put heading as it appears below on your paper
FCAs: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocab 20 pts Date
3) Sentence Starters 20 pts
Title: Experiencing Trench Warfare
What they mean: 1) Three journal entries that each describes in detail three different
experiences of trench warfare
2) Use correctly and underline all four vocabulary
3) Within one journal entry you can not use the same word twice to start a
sentence (Circle all first words of sentences)
US 2:
You are a member of the Senate Committee that reviewed the Treaty of Versailles. You are to write a THREE paragraph report answering the following: Paragraph 1) Discuss three major provisions of the treaty Paragraph 2) Discuss U.S. opposition to the treaty Paragraph 3) Discuss the U.S. final decision on the treaty. You must use correctly and underline the following: ratification, provisions, reparations, and League of Nations. (Expecation: Minimum of 6 complete sentences each paragraph)
Due / Quiz grade / Make sure FCAs on top three lines on the left side / SKIP LINES
FCAs: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocab 20 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starter 20 pts
Title: Treaty of Versailles Senate Report
What they mean: 1) Describe in detail the three parts asked for in the report (Do not need intro paragraph or closing
2) Use correctly and underline all four vocabulary
3) Within a paragraph you can not start two sentences with the same word
(Circle all first words of sentences)
US 2 MP2:
You are to create a three day journal that is titled: "A Day in My Life During the Depression." Each journal entry (minimum six complete sentences) will represent one of the following individuals: Entry 1) someone who worked on Wall Street Entry 2) a farmer on the Great Plains Entry 3) a teenager. You must use correctly and underline four terms from the vocabulary bank.
Due / Quiz grade / Make sure FCAs on top three lines on the left side / SKIP LINES
Vocabulary bank:
black blizzards Great Crash federal relief transient
dust pneumonia stock speculation Hoovervilles foreclosed
erosion "Black Tuesday" rugged indivdualism Hoover blankets
Dust Bowl banking panic share holders
FCAs: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocab 20 pts Due Date
3) Sentence Starter 20 pts
Title: "A Day in My Life During the Depression"
What they mean: 1) Each journal entry describes the day in the life during the Depression
of three different individuals (20 pts each)
2) Use correctly and underline any four terms from vocabulary bank
3) Within each journal entry you can't start two sentences with the
same word / circle all first words of sentences
US 2: MP3
In a paragraph (minimum ten complete sentences) discuss the ideological differences between the United States
and the Soviet Union that led to the Cold War. (Use terms from in class activity / include FCAs / skip lines)
FCAs: 1) Opening Statement 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due Date
3) Use of Vocabulary 20 pts
Title: The Cold War Ideological Differences
What they mean: 1) Within your opening statement you define and underline what the Cold War was.
2) Discuss three ideological differences / Number each 1-2-3
3) Use correctly and circle four vocabulary from in class activity
US 2:
In a minimum of ten complete sentences discuss three differing viewpoints of the two Civil Rights leaders
(MLK and Malcolm X).
FCAs: 1) Opening Statement 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due Date 3-5-13
3) Sentence Starters 20 pts
Title: Differing Views
What they mean: 1) Creative statement of whose views you thought you would have supported / underline
2) Discuss in detail three differing viewpoints / number each 1-2-3
3) Within a paragraph you cannot start two sentences with the same word / circle all
first words of sentences
US 2:
In a minimum of ten complete sentences discuss which three groups had the best methods for achieving their
goals for gaining civil rights. (Make sure FCAs top three lines on left side and skip lines / Counts as a quiz grade)
FCAs: 1) Opening Statement 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due 3-19-13
3) Sentence Starters 20 pts
Title: Gaining Civil Rights
What they mean: 1) Creative statement for which group had the best plan for achieving its goals / underline
2) Discuss in detail the methods used by three groups in trying to attain their
goals / number each 1-2-3
3) Within one paragraph you can not start two sentences with the same word /
Circle all first words
US2: MP4
You are the Press Secretary of the Kennedy Administration: In a minimum of 10 complete sentences you are
to write a press release to the American media describing the three top secret briefings (Label A-B-C). Your
press release should include any four terms from the vocabulary bank use correctly and circled, and have a
strong conclusion stating the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis that is underlined.
FCA: 1) Content 60 pts Name
2) Use of Vocab 20 pts Due
3) Strong Closing 20 pts
Title: Cuban Missile Crisis Press Release
What they mean: 1) Press release describes the three top secret briefings labeled A-B-C
2) Use correctly any four terms and circle them
3) Strong conclusion stating the conclusion and is underlined
Vocabulary Bank: U-2 spy plane quarentine annihilate
retaliatory intelligence SAMs
In a standard five paragraph essay answer the following question:
What are the three biggest problems facing America today?
(Expectation: Minimum 5 complete sentences per paragraph)
FCAs: 1) Opening Paragraph 25 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due
3) Closing Paragraph 15 pts
Title: Problems Facing America
What they mean: 1) Organized, clearly written, and underline thesis statement
2) Three body paragraphs that each describes in detail one problem facing America
3) Include in your closing three major points that were written about in your essay
and number them 1-2-3 (Creatively restate)
On hand in Prewrite (webbing or outline) 8 hwk pts,
and final draft you skip lines and have FCAs on top three lines on the left side - Test grade
In a minimum of ten complete sentences create a current issue summary for the Clinton Impeachment Proceedings Activity.
FCAs: 1) Main Idea 20 pts Name
2) Content 60 pts Due
3) Use of Vocab 20 pts
Title: Clinton Impeachment Proceedings
What they mean: 1) Underline the main idea of your summary
2) Identify the who, what, where, why, and when by writing it above where
it appears in your summary
3) Use correctly and underline four terms from page 178 in notebook
- circle them