Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students:
This year the Bayonne Board of Education will be using Schoology for our online instruction!
Students access Schoology by visiting the website: bboed.schoology.com
Log in Credentials for both your student Chromebook and schoology are your First Name, Last Name, and the last two digits of your graduation year, followed by @students.bboed.org
Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)
Example username: [email protected]
Example password: bboed123456
More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED website at bboed.org
Welcome To Mr. Kash's home page. Located below is some of my course guidelines and requirements.
Supplies Needed: You will be responsible for keeping a interactive notebook the whole year. Each marking period it will count a test grade (Honors). My recommendation for the type of notebook is to have 100 page, single subject, and it should be college ruled. (WH(A) interactive notebook counts two test grades each marking period). HONORS STUDENTS YOU ALSO NEED A DAILY PLANNER! We will start the year 2020 with a digital notebook because of virtual learning.
Rules and Responsibilities: Follow all prescribed school regulations. Also, follow class participation rubric.
Homework : Homeworks that are graded are on a 0 to 8 scale, with zero being no credit and eight being full credit. If you don't have homework when it is asked for it will receive zero credit. It won't be accepted later in the period. Homework average counts two quiz grades.
Formative Assessments: Count 40 % of your marking period grade. Will include announced quizzes, selected mini-presentations, current issue summaries, homework average (twice), and various writing tasks of 3 paragraphs or less. Each marking period your lowest quiz grade is dropped. My gift to you. I believe everyone is entitled to one bad day. You are responsible for seeing me to set up makeup dates if you are absent a day of a quiz.
Summative Assesments: Counts 60 % of your marking period grade. Will include tests, projects, interactive notebook, selected presentations, class participation average, and all 5 paragraph essays. You are responsible for seeing me to set up makeup dates if you are absent a day of a test.
Participation: Summative Assessment each marking period (See Class Participation rubric).
Extra Credit: None! If you can't do the regular work how are you going to do extra workl.
School email address: [email protected]