page contents

AUGUST 22, 2024

Complete the journal on the sheet you were given - "Practice makes perfect."  

Complete ACT notes

Complete Clauses/sentence type notes.  


AUGUST 26, 2024

Begin working on clauses/sentences worksheet

Write down testing dates in you planner.  

QUIZ - clauses/sentences - August 28.  



QUIZ Conventions of Grammar - clauses and sentences - August 28 30

QUIZ Conventions of Grammar - commas - September 4

QUIZ Conventions of Grammar - tenses - September 12 Sept. 18

QUIZ Conventions of Grammar - modifiers - September 20 September 26

QUIZ - VOCAB#1 - September 10

QUIZ - VOCAB#2 - September 18  September 20

Bellringer journals due - September 18  September 20


AUGUST 30, 2024


  • Journal #2 - explain the following using your journal sheet - “There is no magic to achievement. It’s really about hard work, choices, and persistence.” – Michelle Obama

  • Clauses and sentences QUIZ

  • Complete COMMA notes


September 4, 2024

  • Vocab #1 
    1. Read the article.

    2. Write a 2 or 3 sentence summary of the article.  Determine a theme for the vocabulary.

    3. Write the underlined words.

    4. Create a definition for the word - DO NOT copy a definition for the word - put the definition in your own words.

    5. Write a synonym or antonym for the word - can be a phrase.

    6. Determine the type of word - action/verb, thing or idea/noun, descriptive word.

    7. Write 1 - 3 related words.

  • Commas notes 
  • Commas worksheets 


September 6, 2024


  • Journal #3 - explain the following using your journal sheet - What is a grammar nazi?  Explain your opinion of grammar nazis.  

  • Complete comma worksheet - turn in

  • Comma QUIZ

  • Begin VERB TENSE notes



 September 10, 2024

  • Quiz - everyday vocabulary #1
  • Turn in everyday vocab #1
  • review verb tense rules


September 16, 2024

  • Complete Everyday Vocab #2
  • Review verb tenses
  • Finish verb tense packet


September 18, 2024

See OnCourse assignment


September 20,2024


  1. Turn in - journal sheet and vocab #2 classwork - check for your name

  2. Complete Vocab #2 quiz (OnCourse)

  3. Review modifiers

  4. Begin modifiers worksheets


September 24, 2024


 September 26, 2024

  • Complete Journal #1 on the journal paper you were given.  Discuss --- 

Explain the effect of modern culture on literature and art.  

  • Turn in modifiers work

  • Complete modifiers quiz

  • Complete ACT practice test #1