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LES FROMAGES - the cheeses


Complete this on looseleaf paper.  You only need to paraphrase your answers and give your opinion in complete sentences.  These bellringers are due le 9/10 octobre


le 23/26 août      BELLRINGER #1

Where did BRIE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese. Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.


le 27/28 août   BELLRINGER #2

Where did COMTE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.


le 29/30 août    BELLRINGER #3

Where did GRUYÈRE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese. 


le 3/4 septembre       BELLRINGER #4

Where did PORT SALUT originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 5/6 septembre         BELLRINGER #5

Where did CAMEMBERT originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  

le 9/10 septembre         BELLRINGER #6


Where did EMMENTAL originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 17/18 septembre         BELLRINGER #7

Where did MORBIERoriginate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  What is different about this cheese making process?  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese. 


le 23/24 septembre         BELLRINGER #8


Where did BOURSINoriginate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  











le 30 novembre 

Where did COMTE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.   


le 1er decembre 

Where did GRUYÈRE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 2 decembre 

Where did PORT SALUT originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 3 decembre 

Where did CAMEMBERT originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 6 decembre 

Where did EMMENTAL originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese. 


le 8 decembre 

Where did MORBIERoriginate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  What is different about this cheese making process?  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.


le 9 decembre 

Where did BOURSINoriginate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.  


le 13 decembre 

Where did ROQUEFORT originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.


le 14 decembre 

Where did MIMOLETTE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese. 


le 15 decembre 

Where did PONT L’EVÈQUE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese. 


le 16 decembre

Where did MUENSTER originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.  Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.


le 17 decembre 

Where did RACLETTE originate?  Describe the color and flavor of the cheese.In WHICH DISH is this cheese used? Explain why you would or would not try this cheese.