August 4, 2021
**We've had a wonderful start to the year. I'm very excited to watch these kiddos grow!
**Our classroom tends to be chilly. Please send your child with a light jacket/sweatshirt/sweater if they have been cold.
**Please sign up on the Classroom DOJO app. It's a great resourse for classroom management.
July 29, 2018
**Summer is coming to an end and as much as it saddens me, just the thought of meeting my new kiddos makes me so excited!! I can't wait to meet everyone at Open House, July 30th. This year is going to be awesome!!
April 12, 2017
**We made the cutest bunny baskets today for our egg hunt this Friday. We will begin the actvities around noon. I hope many of you will be able to come spend the afternoon with your child.
**Progress reports will be sent home next Friday, 4/21.
**Can you believe your baby is almost a second grader?
February 5, 2017
**It's half time of the Super Bowl right now. The Falcons are looking good!
**Please send in washed and dried milk jugs for a Valentine's project. We will not be having a party. The students will exchange valentines and eat a special snack.
**We are in need of glue sticks and gallon sized zip loc bags. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
**The book fair will be open all week.
**Progress reports go home Tuesday, February 7th.
**February Break is 2/20-2/24.
September 19, 2016
**We have been working so hard. The kiddos have already grown so much!! We had wonderful learning experiences while reading The Wizard of Oz. The culminating dress up celebration was awesome. The characters were all alive in my classroom!!!
**Brush your teeth and comb your hair; Colorful clothes is what to wear :).....Tomorrow, September 20, is PICTURE DAY!!
**Next week is Fall Break. We will be out of school September 26-30. I can be found on the beach :)
**Expanding our vocabulary is an important part of 1st grade. We have been discussing new and interesting words in our reading. I encourage you not to shy away from "big" words with your child; You, by far, are their first teacher!!
August 26, 2016
** Time flies when you're having fun! We had a great week. I'm so proud of what the kiddos are already doing. We had a good time making Planet Earth cookies. A big thank you for the donations.
**Important Dates
Aug. 26th: PTA Movie Night (6:00-9:00)
Aug, 30th: Boy Scout Information Night (6:30)
Sept. 1-9th: Bookfair (8:00-3:00)
Sept. 5th: Labor Day/No School
Sept. 15th: Early Release (12:30)
**This week we will start our thematic unit on The Wizard of Oz. This will be a fun few weeks for your child, so please make sure you ask them what we have talked about in class.
**We will have our first Spelling test this Friday, September 2nd. Please help your child study his/her words each night. J
**I need a little help this week. I would like for the kiddos to make paper versions of themselves for a display. I am asking for a volunteer to help me cut out the parts. This can be done at home. I also need several parents to come Thursday at 1:00, to help out with the actual making of the people - The more the merrierJ. Please let me know if you are able to help out. Thanks so much!
August 19, 2016
**We had another great week. The kiddos took their first Phonics assessment today and everyone made a 3!! We have also been working hard to learn how to read, write, and say our numbers to 120. Ask your child to count orally for you :). I can't wait to start writing narratives next week!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me!
**We are going to make Earth cookies in class this week. If you are able to donate one of the following items by Thursday please let me know. Thanks!!
~ sugar cookies (21)
~ 3 containers of white frosting
**Important Dates:
Aug 24th: Fundraiser packets due
Girl Scout Information Night (6:00)
Aug. 26th: PTA Movie Night (6:00-9:00)
Aug, 30th: Boy Scout Information Night (6:30)
Sept. 5th: Labor Day/No School
Sept. 15th: Early Release (12:30)
**School-wide fundraiser forms due August 24th! These packets went home last week, but if you need another please let me know. It is a short ten day sale! If you are able to help us we greatly appreciate your support, but please know that ALL fundraisers are entirely optional. We can’t do everything and that is understood! If your child was hoping for the limo ride the sell requires 25 items. However, siblings who sell jointly 35 items may BOTH attend! Anticipated delivery of items is the first week of October! Thank you!
**If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please be sure to view the mandatory PowerPoint and let me know once you have signed off in the office. You can find the PowerPoint link on the Paulding County website underneath the For Parents tab.
If you signed up to volunteer at meet and greet, I will send an email with more information. If you would like to volunteer and you did not sign up, please let me know.
August 12, 2016
**Two weeks down and we are rocking and rolling. I already love your children and am super excited to be helping them grow this year! We made some fun friendship bracelets in class today - 22 beads for 22 friends. I think we have all become fast friends!! Thanks to the moms who helped out!!
**Thanks to those who have already joined PTA. Our PTA does many wonderful activities for the students and they are very supportive to the Russom Staff! Membership is $6.00 and we are striving to have our class at 100%.
**Our Science and Social Studies standards are integrated into our weekly thematic units. This week we’ll be focusing on map skills (including where we live). Be sure to have your child identify his/her address including city, county, state, country and continent.
**Be sure to view the mandatory PowerPoint and let me know once you have signed off in the office. You can find the PowerPoint link on the Paulding County website underneath the For Parents tab.
**Important dates:
Aug. 18th: Sparkles Family Night (4:00-8:00)
Aug 24th: Girl Scout Information Night (6:00)
Aug. 26th: PTA Movie Night (6:00-9:00)
Aug, 30th: Boy Scout Information Night (6:30)
Sept. 5th: Labor Day/No School
Sept. 15th: Early Release (12:30)
**Did you know that the Russom received the highest CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index: Georgia’s Educational Accountability System!) score in the county? That is amazing! However, did you also know that attendance is the one area we did not make gains in for the school? Our daily attendance rate is monitored at the state level and a part of our overall school’s rating. Can you imagine our score if we had met that goal? This is only one example of why EVERY DAY MATTERS! Help us make a difference by stressing this to your student and having them here every day and on time whenever possible. Tardies and early checkouts do count against perfect attendance, so please note this for your records. There are breaks already scheduled on our school calendar, so we respectfully request that you plan family vacations and events around this. However, if you choose to go on school days, these are unexcused. Please also remember to send in a parent note for all absences. Please refer to your parents/student information guide or our PCSD website for complete procedures and guidelines.
August 5, 2016
**Wow!!!! What a wonderful first week of school! I already love all my kiddos and can't wait for an exciting year!
**I sent out a group parent e-mail last week. If you did not receive the e-mail please let me know. I will send out the weekly newsletter as well as classroom and school information throughout the school year with this group e-mail. Thanks!
**Volunteers Needed! We had a great first Friday sharing our All about Me bags. Thank you for helping your child fill their bag to share with the class. This week we will focus on friendship in the classroom and in our school.
On this Friday, we will make friendship bracelets. I have everything needed for this activity. If you would like to come in to help with our activity please let me know. Thank you!
**I hope everyone likes our communication folders as much as I do. Please send in all notes and lunch money by putting it in your child’s folder. I check these every morning. Please make sure to label any money that is sent in to school so I can ensure it is sent to the correct person.
For behavior, your child will earn or lose straws based on their day. Each day, your child starts out with 5 straws. They will earn straws for many different things in our room. They may also lose a straw if I have to re-direct them too often. If they earn 10 straws in a day, they will get to go to the treasure box. Remember, they will start fresh each day with 5 straws. You can see how many straws your child earned for the day in their planner. I ask that you please initial each evening that you have reviewed their behavior.
July 25, 2016
** Summer is coming to an end. As much as that makes me sad, something wonderful happened...we got our tentative class lists!! I currently have 21 kiddos. I remember many of their sweet faces from Kindergarten. I am very excited about this year - I just know it will be great!! I hope to see all you you at open house this Thursday, July 28th 2-6.
May 23, 2016
Time sure flies when you're having fun!! I can't believe this year is over. I want to thank everyone for sharing their children with me. I have truly loved watching them grow!!!!
**Last week events
Monday: Game Day (bring your favorite board game)
Tuesday: Movie Day (wear your pajamas and bring a blanket)
Wednesday: Bubble, Chalk, and Water Day. Your child may bring a water squirt toy to school.
Please do not send in a toy that is shaped like a gun. The dollar store
has crayon squirt toys if you are looking for one. (please write your child’s
name on the toy) Please have your child bring a change of clothes and shoes.
Thursday: Class party at 12:30. Thank you to all those helping out!
Friday: Last day of school!! Early release at 12:30. No book bags needed today.
**Please send in a self-addressed legal sized envelope with 2 stamps with your child before the end of the school year. I will use this envelope to mail your child’s final report card along with any other important information this summer.
**There cannot be any more meal charges for breakfast or lunch. Students must
have money for all meals.
**There are still extra yearbooks for sale. Soft cover are $22 and hard cover are $27.
You can write a check (payable to Russom) or send in cash.
**Summer Time!!
Language Arts/Reading
To ensure that your child maintains their current reading level over the summer, please make sure they read every day. They have worked hard this year on their reading level and I want them to go into 2nd grade ready to roll! I will leave Raz-Kids up all summer for your child to enjoy. (password: lunch #) Your child will also have access to MyOn reading program. (user ID: lunch #; password: myon)
Writers’ Workshop:
Once your child has read a story, have them write a short summary of the story in a writing journal. Writing each day will also ensure that they start 2nd grade right on target.
Math Workshop:
There are a lot of math websites with games for your child to enjoy over the summer. Please make sure they practice math facts over the summer. 2nd grade continues with math fact fluency. Please remember that mathfactcafe.com is a great resource to use if you would like to make practice sheets.
Thank you for a great year!
April 17, 2016
**We will no longer have Saxon Phonics homework. I will be replacing this with one story map per week.
**Progress reports went home last Friday. Please sign and return the folder in which they were sent home.
**Next week we will be taking the SLO benchmark test. This is to measure your child's growth. We will take the reading portion Tuesday, the writing portion Wednesday, and the math portion Thurday.
**May 3-6th is the BOGO bookfair!!!!
**May 16th is field day from 8:30-11:30.
**May 26th is the End of the Year PARTY!!! (12:30)
**May 27th is the last day of school and the day my son graduates from high school- bittersweet...
April 10, 2016
** Today is the last day of Spring Break!!! I hope you all had a relaxing and fun week with your kiddos. I can't wait to hear all the stories. We have exactly 35 days left of school! Can you believe your children are almost 2nd graders??
December 12, 2015
**One more week!
This week's schedule:
Wed: Winter Wonderland 8:05, Gingerbread Houses around 12:30
Thurs: Polar Express Day - wear pajamas, bring a blanket or pillow
Fri: Classroom "Let It Snow" party 9am
I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and/or a wonderfully relaxing break!!
December 4, 2015
**Can you believe it is December?!? Your child is almost halfway finished with first grade! This is a crazy time of year in the classroom. Lots of learning and so much fun :). I will update the calendar if anything is added or changes:
12/9 - Early release 12:30
12/11 - Chorus performance 8:30
12/16 - Winter Wonderland 9:40
12/18 - Winter Party 9:00
12/21-1/4 - Holiday break
November 23, 2015
** We had a wonderful feast in the classroom last Friday! I am so very thankful for all the parents who helped make it a success. I hope everyone is enjoying their time off with their families. Have a very happy Thanksgiving!
November 1, 2015
**We are about to start an exciting and busy time of year. Over the next two months we will be doing so much in the classroom. Please be on the lookout for parent letters to come home with your child.
**Important Dates:
11/2 - Pennies for Paulding begins
11/3 - Election Day, no school for students
11/6 - Thankful turkey feather due
11/6 - Spirit Day
11/13 - Progress Reports issued
11/20 - Thanksgiving Feast in classroom
**You may now purchase your child’s 2016 yearbook. It can be ordered online only! Go to the Russom Elementary website to view the link. When ordering be sure to use the order code 10276016. Also, be sure to type your student's name and grade level when prompted.
October 8, 2015
**Please notice we have added two new nightly homework assignments: the math calendar and fluency. Please follow the instructions on the fluency sheet. These are due Friday. You have until Nov. 2 to turn in the math calendar. The additional homework should add about 5 minutes to your nnormal homework routine. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks so much!
**If you have not sent in your conference form, please do so as soon as possible. The students will be released at 1:30 every day next week.
**You may now purchase your child’s 2016 yearbook. It can be ordered online only! Go to the Russom Elementary website to view the link. When ordering be sure to use the order code 10276016. Also, be sure to type your student's name and grade level when prompted.
September 5, 2015
**Progress reports went home Friday. Can you believe we have been in school 4 1/2 weeks already!?! I am very proud of my kiddos - they have already learned so much! First grade is a year of amazing growth!
**The book fair will be in the media center this week. We took a sneak peek Friday and saw so many great books. If you would like your child to purchase a book please send money in a marked envelope. If you would rather them NOT be allowed to purchase "trinkets", please indicate. (erasers, highlighters, bookmarks, pointers, etc.)
**Thank you so much for your generosity!! We had 9 different flavors of M&Ms sent in for our taste test. Graphing is an important 1st grade standard and you definitely helped make it a fun one!!
**We will have a different schedule Thursday, September 17th. We will have specials from 8:30-9:30 and lunch at 12:09.
August 22,2015
**The kids and I love parent helpers, especially on Fridays! If you would like to help out, please watch the mandatory reporting video and sign off in the office.
**Please be sure to send a note in your child's communication folder if you are changing their transportation. Thanks!
**Please send your child one snack only. Our time is limited and one is plenty.
**If you have not joined PTA, please do so! They are awesome to your children!
**Spelling words will start the week of August 31st.
**August 25th is PTA Movie Night!!! The movie Home will be shown. It is my favorite event! I hope to see many of you there. 6:30-9:00.
**Specials Schedule: EVERY WEEK :)
Mon: PE Thurs: PE
Tues: Art Fri: Music
Wed: PE
August 15, 2015
**We had an awesome week last week!!
**Please remember to go through your child’s blue
communication folder and sign his/her agenda every night. Thank you!
**We are beginning our reading series this week. Your child will bring home their textbook every Monday. Please have them read the assigned story ONLY and discuss the study questions. Please do not feel limited to only the study questions. Ask your child “WHY” questions after they read (ex./ Why do you think the character did such n such?) . Happy Reading!!! :)
**Please join PTA if you have not done so. The cost is $6 and can be done online. They will not ask you to “do” anything. They use the money to help our school tremendously!!
**Brush your teeth and comb your hair!! Fall picture day is Tuesday, August 18th!
**I hope the kiddos had fun making their friendship bracelets last Friday - I didn’t hear otherwise from the substitute :).This week we will be making paper people to represent ourselves. These will be displayed in a huge friendship chain. If you would like to come in and help out, please watch the volunteer video and sign off in the office. We will begin about 1:15. Any help is always appreciated.
** Please be sure to mark your calendar for Thursday, August 20th. There will be a short PTA meeting at 7:00 in the cafeteria. After the meeting you will be able to attend a grade level meeting that will give you lots of information about the curriculum and school year. This will be a great time to ask questions or express concerns. We look forward to seeing you!
**Specials Schedule: EVERY WEEK :)
Mon: PE Thurs: PE
Tues: Art Fri: Music
Wed: PE
August 13, 2015
**YAY! We have finished the SLO benchmark testing!! The kiddos worked very hard.
**We no longer sell ice cream in the rotunda on Fridays. Students now make their selections from a menu in the morning. If you would like your child to have ice cream, please send in the money in the morning. Thanks!
August 10, 2015
**WOW! what a great first week of school!! I already love all my kiddos and can't wait to get to know them better. This is going to be a fantastic year.
**Please make sure you check and/or sign your child's blue folder and agenda everyday. Thanks!
**Please send in a healthy snack with your child daily. If you would like to donate extra snacks for the class, I would be very appreciative. :)
**Our room tends to be chilly. Ask your child and if needed, send in a light sweatshirt or jacket.
**If you have not already done so, please join PTA. They are so good to me and your children!
**The Specials Schedule is different this year- YAY! It will not change week to week. Please make sure your child wears appropriate shoes.
Mon.- P.E.
Tues.- Art
Wed.- P.E.
Thurs.- P.E.
Fri.- Music