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Formal and informal assessments will be given periodically to inform teachers, parents, and students of the progress that is being made toward meeting and/or exceeding 1st grade standards.
Formal assessments include:
Assessed class work
Tests (common 1st grade assessments)
Performance tasks (common 1st grade assessment)
Informal assessments include:
Tests (common 1st grade assessments)
Performance tasks (common 1st grade assessment)
Informal assessments include:
Teacher observation with checklists
Teacher-student conferencing
Class work
First Grade Student Daily Work Habits:
- I am organized.
- I am on-task and follow directions.
- My work is neat.
- I complete my work on time.
- I turn in my completed homework.
Students who do not meet the standard on a formal assessment will be given the opportunity to be retaught and reassessed.
- I am organized.
- I am on-task and follow directions.
- My work is neat.
- I complete my work on time.
- I turn in my completed homework.
Students who do not meet the standard on a formal assessment will be given the opportunity to be retaught and reassessed.