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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe End of Unit Projects


1. Interview a Character- Pretend you are a talk show host interviewing a character from the book. Your interview must include ten events that happened with this character in the book. (You need to write your questions and their answers to the questions as a conversation). You perform it in front of a group with a partner to help you read the script. 


2.  Song- Write a song about the story. Your song must contain ten events that happened in the book. You will perform it in front of the group.


3.  Model/Diorama-You can make a model/diorama of a scene from the book. Your model must contain a detailed explanation of what the scene is about. Your explanation must be at least ten sentences in length. You will present your diorama in front of the group.



4. Game Board- Make up a colorful board game about the story on a poster board. Your game must contain at least ten events that happened in the story. Your game board must tell the story. You will present your game to the group. 


5. Newscast- For the newscast, you must include at least ten events from the story. Your newscast must include news, weather, and a commercial that would relate to the story. You will present it in front of the group.


6. Comic Book- Rewrite a scene from the novel in comic book form.  You should remain true to any physical or setting descriptions.


7. Poetry- Write a collection of 3-5 poems based on the book. Choose 5 important events or characters from the story to write a poem about. Add illustrations. You will present this to the group.


8. Alphabet Book- Create an alphabet book that focuses on key events, characters, ideas, and information from your book. Include an illustration on each page as well as 1-2 sentences explaining each letter. You will present your book to the group. 


9. Diary EntryWrite 3-5 diary entries from the perspective of one of the main characters.


10. Character Drawing Draw three characters from your book and write 3-5 sentences describing their character traits.


Students must decide their project by Monday, February 12, to gather notes in class.  Then they will work on the project at home. Students must be ready to turn their project in and present to the class Monday, February 26, 2024.