KES Walking Club
As of right now we are not sure if we are going to be able
to have the KES Walking Club this year.
We will keep you posted.
As of March 2020 here are the statistics for the KES WC:
We have 92% of the kids participating.
Milegage Leaderboard for participants:
Madeline O. - 23.4 miles (558 laps)
True Z. - 21.5 miles (512 laps)
Owen M. - 21.4 miles (511 laps)
Grade mileage:
Kindergarten - 1185 miles
1st Grade - 886 miles
2nd Grade - 936 miles
Classroom Mileage Leaders:
Weaver - 173 miles
N. Smith - 143 miles
Furr - 134 miles
The kids at Kennesaw are invited to participate in the
Walking Club. It takes place in the gym three days
each week (one day per grade level).
Tuesdays - 2nd Grade
Wednesdays - 1st Grade
Thursdays - Kindergarten
7:20-7:40am in the gym
The kids are asked to wear P.E. shoes (for safety reasons)
when they come to participate. The kids received their
Walking Club cards in their classrooms. They bring their cards with them
so they can scan the QR code and record the number of laps.
The EZ Tally program will keep up with the class laps
and the mileage. At the end of the year, the class with
the most miles will receive a special certificate.
It takes 24 laps around the KES gym to make a mile.