Music Class with Mrs. B
What you can expect from me as your music teacher:
1) Expect me to expect a lot from you.
2) Expect me to be as fair as possible
3) Expect me to want you to succeed.
4) Expect me to keep the classroom environment safe.
5) Expect me to care about what you think.
What I will expect from you as my students:
1) Respect my right to teach.
2) Respect your classmates’ right to learn.
Classroom rules:
1) Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
2) Come to class prepared pencil and homework (if there is any)
3) Physical and/ or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
4) Keep this room gum-free.
There are consequences for using disruptive behavior in class:
1) Verbal Warning
2) After-class conference
3) Think Sheet Parental signature
4) Writing assignment/ seat reassignment/ parental phone call
5) Written up to the office
There are rewards for using cooperative behavior in class.
1) Verbal praise will be issued.
2) Positive reports sent home.
3) Participation points for participating with enthusiasm, volunteering answers to question in class and attempting to assist other classmates. (These can greatly assist your grade)
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Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Teacher Signature Date