Students will discover:
* a steady beat
* rhythm instruments
* Rhythmic and Melodic imitation
* Seasonal Songs
* how to differentiate between high/low in pitch and high/low in volume.
* Songs sung in unison
* Dramatization songs, creating
appropriate movement
Throughout the year kindergarten students will get the opportunity to sing and dance in music class. They will also learn about different instruments by hearing them and playing them.
1st Grade
Students will discover:
* Steady and changing beats
* rhythm and pitched instruments
* Rhythm and melodic imitation
* Dynamics (loud/soft)
* Seasonal Songs
* Recognizing simple symbols and terms in music
* rhythmic notation
* Song sung in Unison and songs sung in Rounds
In 1st grade students are encouraged to experiment with tempo, melody and rhythm using pitched and non-pitched instrument. They also are introduced to simple musical notation.
2nd Grade
Students will discover:
* Steady and changing beats
* Melody
* Harmony
* Identifying traditional symbols and terms in music
* Reading and notating simple rhythmic and melodic patterns
* Ear training - be able to identify repeated patterns in music
- be able to identify instruments by family
* How to play as an ensemble using classroom instruments.
* Seasonal Songs using instruments to accompany themselves.
* Rounds
Students will use movement and instruments to understand the different textures in music. 2nd graders also are introduced to Kodaly hand signals for Do re mi…..
3rd Grade
Students will discover:
* Musical alphabet
* Keys on the Piano
* Rhythm
* Leaps and steps
* Dynamics
* Treble Staff Lines and Spaces
* Recorder
* Instrument families
Students will use all of the rhythm and melody skills that they have learned through out the year to put on a recorder concert in May/June.
4th Grade
Students will discover:
* Review of the Treble clef lines and spaces
* Elements of complex rhythm
* Elements of melody
* Elemnts of form
* Bass clef lines and spaces
* Composing music using pencil/ paper and computer technology
Students will be given the tools to compose music that their classmates can perform. The end of the year will bring group performances of students original work.