Temperature is the measure of how hot or cold something is.
You measure temperature with a thermometer.
Temperature is measured in degrees.
There are two scales to measure heat with: Fahrenheit and Celsius. Most scientists use Celsius. Water freezes at 0°C (32°F) and boils at 100°C (212°F).
The movement of heat is called thermal energy. Heat always moves from something hot to something cold.
When something is hot, its particles move very quickly, while the particles in something cold move very slowly.
We can control the temperature of a room with a thermostat. Our bodies can control their temperature as well. They will sweat when they get too hot, or will shiver when they get too cold.
Magnets are things that attract things made of iron or metal. They can come in different shapes, sizes, and strengths, but all magnets have two different ends called poles. There is a north pole, and a south pole. When two north or two south poles are put together, they push apart or repel. When a north and south pole are put together, the pull together, or attract.
Magnets that are permanent will be magnetic for a long time. Temporary magnets, such as electromagnets, will only be magnetic for a short time. An electromagnet is made by putting electricity through something made of iron or steel. When the electricity is turned off, the item will no longer be magnetic. This is useful in places like junkyards.
Generators use magnets to make electricity. They need a coil of wire and a magnet to work.