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Clip System






  • Ready to Learn- Each student begins each and every day with their clip at ready to learn.
    • Each day is a new beginning for every student to succeed, grow, and to be better than the day before.
    • Staying on this step all day earns the student 1 check on their behavior card.


  • Warning (Think About It)- A student will move their clip to warning after one of the following has occurred-
    • Not following posted classroom rules
      • Be respectful
      • Be safe
      • Work hard
    • Talking during inappropriate times
      • During classroom instruction
      • In the hallways
      • While other classmates are sharing
    • Forgotten materials
      • Students need to come into my room prepared with-
        • Chromebook (charged)
        • Textbook (s)
        • Workbook(s)
        • Notebook(s)
        • Folders
        • Pencils (2)
        • Agenda Book (must be signed daily including Friday)
        • Homework
        • Chapter book
    • Not following directions
      • Student is inattentive
      • Failing to complete class work and/or homework
      • Completing work from another class or homework


* This step is to serve as a “warning” for the student to improve their behavior*


  • Teacher Choice- A student will lose a portion of their free time if they continue to do any of the above mentioned.  The time served will be at the discretion of the teacher.


* This step is to allow the student time to think about ways to improve their behavior*


  • Parent Contact (Write A Plan)- A student will lose their entire free time and their parent will be contacted if they continue to do any of the above mentioned.  Once the student and teacher have had an opportunity to discuss the negative behavior, the student will fill out a “write a plan” form.  On this form the child will write about their negative behavior that day and how they plan to remedy it in the future.  The form will be signed by the student and teacher and will be sent home for the parent to sign and return the following day. If the form does not return the following day,  the parent will be called and/or emailed.


*This step allows the parents, student, and teacher to keep open lines of communication regarding classroom behavior*


  • Principal- The principal will be notified if a student continues to do any of the above mentioned or if they exhibit severe behavior.


*All Student IEP’s will be followed*