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Grading Scale for Algebra I is as follows...

A = 90 - 100

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 - 79

D = 60 - 69

F = 59 and below



Grade Calculation for all of Mrs. Ellerbe's classes is as follows...

   Total Possible Points : Add all the possible points for every grade up.  Do not add bonus points here!

   Total Earned Points : Add all the earned points for the student up with any bonus points.


   Now, divide the Total Earned Points by the Total Possible Points and then multiply by a 100. The result should be the same as the nine weeks grade in the computer.



Grade Categories for the Algebra Class are : test (100 pts), quizzes (25 pts), and any additional assignments deemed by the teacher for the Class (points vary).



Grade Categories for the Algebra Lab are : First Fives (10 points), Math Nation/DESMOS (points vary), Classwork (points vary) and any additional assignments deemed by the teacher for the Lab (points vary).