2023-2024 West Feliciana High School Navy JROTC Course Syllabus
AGMC Ananias Dauntain Email: [email protected]
Senior Naval Science Instructor Phone: (225) 635-3089
Remind Code: @WFHSNJROTC
**Available by email on school days from 07:25 am - 3:00 pm, any email sent after 3:00pm will be answered during the next school day.
**Available by phone by appointment only.
HMCS(FMF/SW) Lanna M. Begnaud Email: [email protected]
Naval Science Instructor Phone: (225) 635-3089
Remind Code: Text @WFHSNJROTC to 81010
**Available by email on school days from 07:25 am - 3:00 pm, any email sent after 3:00pm will be answered during the next school day.
**Available by phone by appointment only.
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/navyjrotc.us/west-fel-saints/
Welcome to West Feliciana High School NJROTC Program, one of the fifty units within NJROTC Area Sixteen (Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Texas). Our NJROTC unit was established in July 1971 and since then, we have grown to an average of 70 cadets per year. Our unit has been recognized throughout the years with Chief of Naval Education and Training Awards, Honor Unit Achievement, Distinguished Unit Achievement, and Bravo Zulu Unit Awards.
We boast an impressive alumni association as previous NJROTC cadets have earned acceptance to various Military Academies, received scholarships to prestigious universities, internships in government organizations and joined all branches of the United States military.
Our Mission
To instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.
Our Vision
Developing leaders, one cadet at a time.
Unit Philosophy
The main goal of the program is to instill in students the habits necessary to excel academically and socially at West Feliciana High School, ultimately leading to achievement of personal intermediate and long-term goals. One hundred percent of the course grade is dependent upon the cadet’s ability to routinely display a positive, self-confident attitude, properly wear the uniform, and proactively participate during class, drill, and physical training. Every cadet will comply with clearly defined course rules and regulations specified in the Code of Conduct, persevere in challenging situations, and act respectfully to people they come in contact within the community. As the cadet gains experience and displays the characteristics of a positive, mature, and supportive follower, it is expected that he or she will desire to earn rank and fill positions of leadership within the unit. While serving in a leadership position, the cadet will learn the importance of teamwork, effective two-way communications within a chain of command, and earn the respect of subordinates that will lead to the successful accomplishment of clearly defined unit goals. The NJROTC program methodology is designed to provide a cadet the necessary skill set to effectively prioritize, tackle, and solve challenging problems to prepare him/her to successfully achieve personal, short term academic goals, followed by intermediate and long term educational and career goals.
Student eligibility requirements:
▪ Enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction in grade 9 through 12 at WFHS.
▪ Be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical education program of WFHS.
▪ Be selected by the NJROTC instructor with the approval of the school principal or his/her representative.
▪ Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and an academic standing of C or above in all classes.
▪ Maintain high standards of conduct at all times.
▪ Comply with specified personal grooming standards. Common sense and good judgment apply to the attainment of these standards. However, the standards will not be relaxed in such a way that reflects negatively upon the US Navy or WFHS.
What does our NJROTC program provide to each cadet?
▪ Promotes Patriotism
▪ Develops informed and responsible citizens
▪ Develops respect for constructed authority
▪ Develops leadership potential
▪ Promotes high school completion
▪ Promotes higher education
▪ Promotes community service
▪ Develops a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline and leadership
▪ Promotes an understanding of the basic elements and need for national security
▪ Provides information on the military services as a possible career
▪ Provides an alternative to gangs
▪ Provides incentive to live healthy and drug free
Benefits of NJROTC
▪ Approximately 60 percent of the NJROTC cadets who are graduating seniors continue to higher education.
▪ The NJROTC program is motivational in encouraging cadets to graduate from high school and continue to higher education by offering free ACT/SAT preparation.
▪ NJROTC cadets are better behaved, have higher attendance, are role models for the avoidance of substance abuse, have higher self-esteem, develop positive life skills, and on average have higher grade point averages and graduate at a higher rate.
▪ Cadets learn the value of teamwork and individual accomplishments from belonging to NJROTC.
▪ The character education in NJROTC teaches values, principles, and self-discipline promoting positive, productive behavior and provides a support structure that is critical not only in helping cadets avoid the use of drugs, but living a healthy and fit lifestyle.
▪ NJROTC provides the opportunity for secondary school students to learn the basic elements and need for national security and their personal obligations as Americans.
▪ The program enhances the image of the military in the eyes of the community by providing a chance for success to the nation's youth.
▪ While the training is along military lines, it is conducted so as to encourage initiative and individuality to develop natural gifts, to teach self-control, to develop personal character, responsibility and qualities of integrity, loyalty, and dedication.
▪ Cadets accepted for enlistment, who provide evidence of successful completion of at least 3 years of NJROTC, are entitled to advanced promotion to pay grade E-2 upon initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marine Corps.
▪ The Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate a maximum of three eligible cadets each year to compete for appointments to the U.S. Naval Academy.
▪ Administrators of host schools that are designated as Distinguished Units with Academic Honors may nominate three eligible NJROTC cadets as candidates for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy, and U.S. Air Force Academy in addition to the three nominations above to the U.S. Naval Academy.
Course Descriptions
NJROTC is a Citizenship Development program that’s designed to teach students leadership skills, citizenship, American government, U.S. Navy orientation, wellness, fitness, first aid, geography, and orienteering skills. We will also address certain key events in our nation’s history and increase cadet basic world geography skills.
The basic curriculum is designed to develop a growing sense of pride in the organization and foster personal qualities of patriotism, citizenship, and leadership. The curriculum seeks to encourage and develop honor, trustworthiness, self-esteem, mental toughness, a sense of teamwork, and self-discipline.
Naval Science 1
▪ Purpose: To introduce students to the meaning of citizenship, the elements of leadership, and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals; promote an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including physical fitness, a proper diet, and controlling stress; drug awareness; provide the principles of health and first aid, geography and survival skills and an overview of Naval ships and aircraft. These elements are pursued at the fundamental level.
▪ Course Content: Includes introduction to the NJROTC program; introduction to Leadership, Citizenship and the American Government; introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid to include diet, exercise and drug awareness, introduction to Geography, Orienteering, Survival and Map Reading Skills; Financial Skills and introduction to the U. S. Navy.
Naval Science 2
▪ Purpose: To build on the general introduction provided in Naval Science 1, to further develop the traits of citizenship and leadership, and to introduce cadets to the technical areas of naval science and the role of the U. S. Navy in maritime history and the vital importance of the world’s oceans to the continued well-being of the United States.
▪ Course Content: Includes ongoing instruction into Leadership; introduction to Maritime History, including the American Revolution, Civil War, the rise of the U. S. to world power status, World Wars 1 and 2, the Cold War Era and the 1990s and Beyond; introduction to Nautical Sciences to include Maritime Geography, Oceanography, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Physical Sciences.
Naval Science 3
▪ Purpose: Broaden the understanding of students in the operative principles of military leadership, the concept and significance of teamwork, the intrinsic value of good order and discipline in the accomplishment of objectives, and the importance of sea power and national security. Students gain a more in-depth knowledge of naval ships and aircraft and an introduction to marine navigation and seamanship.
▪ Course Content: Includes instruction in Sea Power and National Security, Naval Operations and Support Functions, Military Law, and International Law and the Sea. Provides introduction to Ship Construction and Damage Control, Shipboard Organization and Watch Standing, Basic Seamanship, Marine Navigation, and Naval Weapons and Aircraft. Ongoing instruction in leadership, citizenship and discipline.
Naval Science 4
▪ Purpose: Focused primarily on practical leadership techniques and implementation. The intent is to assist seniors in understanding leadership and improving their leadership skills by putting them in positions of leadership, under supervision, then helping them analyze the reasons for their varying degrees of success throughout the year. Classroom activities include seminars, reading assignments, classroom presentations, and practical work with younger cadets. Seniors are mentored/guided in their preparation for life after high school to include college preparation, scholarship applications, and the variety of choices that are available to them.
▪ Course Content: Includes instruction in theoretical and applied aspects of leadership, training, and evaluation of performance. Students will become aware of the techniques used to create motivation, develop goals and activities for a work group, and the proper ways to set a leadership example. Students are provided access to ACT/SAT prep courses, guidance in selecting a college and pursuing available scholarships, and mentoring in establishing long range life goals.
Required Online Courses
All Cadets must log on and complete SAT/ACT Prep course before the end of each term.
The SAT/ACT College Prep Course can be accessed here: http://jrotccollegeprep.com/
Our Weekly Schedule
The Plan of the Week will be distributed on Fridays throughout the school year. It will contain all pertinent information for the following week, which allows each cadet adequate preparation time. In general, each week will follow this time line:
Monday (8 period day) - Uniform Inspections/Guest Speakers/Field Day/Advancement Exams
Tuesday/Wednesday (Block schedule) - Classroom Instruction
Thursday/Friday (Block schedule) - Physical Training/Drill/Drones/Air Rifle/Land Navigation
*For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, Tuesday - Friday is a block day. Therefore, NJROTC will teach periods 1, 3, 5 and 7 on Tuesday and Thursday and periods 2, 4, and 6 on Wednesday and Friday. Regular schedule will take place on Mondays for all 8 periods.
*Every 1st Monday is Uniform Inspection Day. All Cadets are required to wear the Uniform of the Day, typically the Navy Service Uniform (NSU), unless upper class men are designated to wear Service Dress Blues. If a cadet will miss a uniform inspection, it is their responsibility to schedule an alternate time to have the inspection completed.
NJROTC Grading
All Cadets are graded on the following criteria:
▪ Academics (Tests, Quizzes and General Knowledge Questions) 20%
▪ Class Participation/Responsibility 15%
▪ PT 15%
▪ Uniform Inspection 50%
Daily Grading Structure
Monday - Friday - 5 points daily
.5 Punctuality
.5 Dress Code Compliance
4 Class Participation
2.5 Proper PT shoes
5 points each for proper PT shirt/PT shorts
12.5 Class Participation
Uniform Wear days
100 points with a 5 point deduction for each uniform discrepancy.
Students are required to wear the uniform of the day for the ENTIRE school day, removal of any part of the uniform will result in a 50 point deduction.
Mandatory Cadet Events
Cadets must participate in all of the following graded events:
▪ At least (1) Service event during the Fall 2024-2025 semester
▪ Annual Military Inspection (AMI) - 10 Oct 2024
▪ Homecoming Football Game Parade - 4 Oct 2024
▪ Christmas in the Country Parade - 08 Dec 2024
▪ Any other event that may be assigned by Navy or DOE authority
NOTE: If a cadet is unable to attend an event, we request that parents send instructors a note prior to the event stating reason for not attending. A parent’s note may excuse the cadet from the event and avoid a grade of “F” for not attending. Texts, Facebook messenger, Remind messages, email or any social networking messages are not acceptable as an excuse note. If the student is absent due to illness, they must submit an actual written note from their parent or doctor upon their return to school.
Academic Standing
*All Cadets are required to pass all of their classes. If a cadet is failing any class, he or she will be placed on academic probation until they achieve a passing grade. Every effort is provided for students to seek help either by a teacher or tutor.
*Cadets on probation will not be allowed to participate in any co-curricular teams or events.
*Cadets must maintain a “C” (2.0) average or above in all classes.
*Cadets in leadership positions must maintain a “B” (3.0) average or above in all classes to remain in their leadership position.
Cadets are issued Navy uniforms free of charge and they are required to maintain them at all times. Cadets are initially issued the following items:
▪ One garrison cap (hat)
▪ One Khaki shirt
▪ One pair of black trousers
▪ One pair of black dress shoes
▪ One pair of black socks
▪ One white t-shirt
▪ One black cotton belt (males only)
▪ One gold belt buckle (males only)
▪ One J-bar collar insignia
▪ One fouled anchor insignia
▪ One gold star (upon completion of one year in NJROTC)
● Cadets are responsible for all issued items. Items that are lost or stolen must be purchased from NJROTC supply system. Items worn out or faded due to use are replaced at no cost to the cadet.
● Once a cadet leaves the unit (drops out or graduates), all above items must be returned. All items must be cleaned and pressed. Cadets not returning a clean and pressed uniform will incur a $35.00 student obligation.
● Cadets that do not return their uniforms upon completion of program or dropping out will incur a $300.00 student obligation.
● All NJROTC and school uniforms will be worn in such a manner so as to reflect credit upon the unit, school, community and the individual wearing the uniform.
Required Materials
▪ Code of Conduct/Uniform Policy specifies cadet responsibilities.
▪ Uniform maintenance items - Cadets are responsible for consumable items (i.e. black shoe polish, brass polish, and tissue) to prepare shoes and belt buckles for uniform inspection, prior to arriving at school vice upon entering the NJROTC classroom.
▪ Mandatory to organize course material. The Cadet Reference Manual (CRM), Course Syllabus, and class notes will be made available for reference during the school year.
▪ Course books – When issued, cadets will be financially responsible for replacing textbooks lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear.
▪ Writing implements - Pens/pencils and notebook paper must be brought to class every day.
Classroom Expectations
Each cadet is expected to comply with all rules and regulations as specified in the West Feliciana High School and NJROTC policies. Each cadet will be treated fairly and consistently as young adults and are expected to be fully responsible and accountable for their actions. Of primary importance is a display of respect at all times for self, classmates, teachers, all school administrators, and support staff. In addition, each cadet must be supportive in creating a quality learning environment during curricular and co-curricular school activities.
Late Assignments
Cadets must develop the ability to plan and manage their time effectively. Meeting established timeliness is a very important skill that is required in the “real” world after high school. Assignments are given in NJROTC for the purpose of assessing timeliness as well as content. As a general rule, reduced credit will be given for submission of late assignments within a limited time frame. This will be solely at the discretion of the SNSI/NSI.
Make-up Policy
Cadets are expected to attend school and be in their assigned class. Truancy and skipping are serious infractions and reflect poorly on a cadet’s maturity and personal integrity. Excessive excused absences are also highly discouraged and seriously undermine a cadet’s ability to perform well in their primary role as students. Tests or academic assignments that are incomplete due to an excused absence may only be made up within two (2) school days of returning to class. It is entirely the responsibility of the cadet to make arrangements with the SNSI/NSI within the two-day window for make-ups. Any event, assignment, or test missed as a result of an unexcused absence will result in a grade of 0 until the cadet makes arrangements to make up the missed work. Any event, assignment, or test missed as a result of an unexcused absence (i.e. skipping, truancy, TOR, ISS, suspension, etc.) will NOT be allowed to be made-up and will result in a grade of 0. Only in rare instances will make-ups be provided for cadets failing to wear the uniform on uniform day or participating in PT.
Re-do Policy
All cadets must recognize that their “job” during the year is to be an engaged and productive student. In this capacity, they must effectively and efficiently use their talents to master material presented in all their courses. Without exception, core subjects take priority over Navy JROTC. Should a cadet fail to meet their personal expectation within any aspect of NJROTC, they should approach the SNSI/NSI to discuss opportunities to re-do assignments with the goal of mastering the subject material. In most cases, this will reflect well on the cadet’s “Leadership” grade. However, it will be at the discretion of the SNSI/NSI as to whether re-do efforts will affect the academic, uniform, or PT grade. As such, each cadet must develop time management, planning, note taking, and study skills to minimize the need for re-do of assignments. Cadets are also strongly encouraged to display initiative, motivation, and independence by making the necessary arrangements with the SNSI/NSI for tutorial or extra help as required.
Awards and Recognition
Throughout the year Cadets may receive awards for their achievements in NJROTC. Awards range from outside organizational awards and scholarships to Distinguished Unit awards. Some cadets may qualify for an SNSI Service Academy nomination to assist in entering a military academy. Awards and recognition are presented on a semester basis. Parents are invited to attend the ceremony and share in their child’s accomplishments. Cadets that have not met minimum community service hours, have failing grades, or do not have unit participation will not be awarded any personal or unit awards.
NJROTC Website
Our NJROTC Website provides information to both parents and cadets. The website is updated on a regular basis to provide the latest instructions and announcements. All cadets are responsible for its contents.