Introduction to Business Computer Applications
Work Area Arrangement
alphanumeric (main) keyboard directly in front of chair
front edge of keyboard even with edge of table or desk
monitor placed for easy viewing
Flash Drive/Sans Disk placed for easy access
book at right of keyboard
top raised for easy reading
Keying Position
fingers curved and upright over the home keys
wrists low, but not touching the frame of keyboard
forearms parallel to the slant of the keyboard
body erect (sitting up straight)
sitting with your back against the back of the chair
feet flat on floor for balance
A typewritten word equals 5 strokes.
The dimension (size) of a regular sheet of paper is 8 ½" x 11"
The dimension (size) of a legal sheet of paper is 8 ½" x 14"
There are 6 lines to a vertical inch.
There are 66 lines on a full sheet of paper.
There are 33 lines on a half sheet of paper.
Line Space:
1 - Single Spacing (no blank lines are left between the keyed lines in a document)
1 ½ - One and a half Spacing ( one and one-half blank lines are left between the keyed lines in a document)
2 - Double Spacing (two blank lines are left between the keyed lines in a document)
4 - Quadruple Spacing (three blank lines are left between the keyed lines in a document)
(Note: Space twice after any mark of punctuation that ends a sentence.)
Space once after a ; (semicolon) used as punctuation
Space twice after a : (colon) used as punctuation
Do not space after : (colon) used in stating time
Space once after a , (comma) used as punctuation
Space once after ? (question mark) within a sentence
Space twice after a ? (question mark)that ends a sentence
Space once after a . (period) following abbreviations and initials
Do not space after . (period) within abbreviations
Space twice after a . (period) at the end of a sentence.
Formatting Abbreviations & Abbreviations You Should Know:
CS Columnar Spacing QS Quadruple Space
DS Double Space RM Right Margin
SM Side Margin LM Left Margin
SS Single Space LS Line Spacing
PE Page End TM Top Margin
BM Bottom Margin
Internal Period with an abbreviation:
Do not space after an internal period in an abbreviation.
i.e., e.g. Ed.D., Ph.D. M.D. C.O.D. a.m. p.m. B.S. B.A. D.D.S.
The Tab Key is used to indent the first line of paragraphs. Computer software uses preset tabs (called defaults tabs).
The Default tab is usually set at 0.5 (5) spaces to the right of the left margins and is used to indent.
Steps for Setting Tab Stops
1. Select the Arrow on the Paragraph Menu
2. Select Tabs
3. Type Tab Position (Clear all tabs first)
4. Select Set
5. Select OK
How to Format a Heading:
Melanie Soignier (First and Last Name) Second Period (Class Period)
September 12, 2022 (Date) Lesson 5 (Filename)
How to Create a Blank Page
Press Ctrl (Control) and Enter
Steps for Saving a File
1. Select File
2. Select Save as
3. Select Drive
4. Key Filename
5. Select Save
Removing the Flash Drive
1. Select the flash drive icon
2. Click on the flash drive name
3. Remove the flash drive (Message: Safe to remove hardware)
4. Select ok
Steps for Opening A File
1. Select File
2. Select Open
3. Select Drive
4. Key or Select Filename
5. Select Open
Steps for Closing A File
1. Select File
2. Select Close
3. Save Changes Yes or No
4. Select Yes
How to Change the Line Spacing
Note: On the Home Ribbon Tab
1. On the Paragraph Ribbon or Select spacing on Paragraph Ribbon
2. Select Line & Paragraph Spacing
3. Select Spacing Choice or Select Line Spacing Options
4. Select Spacing
A. Change Before (0)
B. Change After (0)
C. Change Line Spacing (SS, DS, QS)
5. Select OK
How to Set Margins:
1. Select Page Layout Ribbon Tab
2. Select Margins OR
3. Select Custom Margins
Make changes (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
4. Select OK
Memorandums (Memo): Are written messages used by employees within an organization to communicate with one another.
Top Margin (TM): 2" |
Side Margins (SM) defaults or 1" |
Bottom Margins/Page Ending (BM/PE) at least 1" |
The memo heading includes who the memo is being sent to (TO:), who the memo is from (FROM:), the date the memo is being sent (DATE:), and what the memo is about (SUBJECT:). Use ALL CAPS for all lines of the heading beginning at the left margin,
TO: Tab twice to key name
2 (DS)
FROM: Tab twice to key name
2 (DS)
DATE: Tab twice to key date
2 (DS)
SUBJECT: Tab once to key subject in ALL CAPS
2 (DS)
Memo body The paragraph of the memo all begin at the left margin and are SS with a DS between paragraphs.
Reference Initials. If someone other than the originator of the memo keys it, his/her initials are keyed in lowercase letters at the left margin, a DS below the body
Attachment/Enclosure Notations. If another document is attached to a memo, the word Attachment is keyed a the left margin a DS below the reference initials (or below the last line of the body if the reference initials are not used). If a document accompanies the memo but is not attached to it, key the word Enclosure.
Standard Memo
In standard format, begin all lines (including headings) at the left margin unless otherwise specified. Double space (DS) between all memo parts. Reference Initials are the initials of the typist.
Top Margin (TM): 2" |
Side Margins (SM) defaults or 1" |
Bottom Margins/Page Ending (BM/PE) at least 1" |
Memo Parts
TO: (Addressee)
FROM: (Writer)
Reference Initials
Attachment/Enclosure notations