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Dear Preschool Families,  



Welcome to the Preschool program at Haddon Township! We hope you are having a great summer and that you are making lots of memories to share with us when school starts! We are very excited to see all of your smiling faces in the fall! There will be lots of new friends, art projects, stories, songs and many very special days. 



We practice a co-teaching model, with two teachers in our classroom to help your child learn and grow, giving each child the tools they need for success. We are looking forward to a year of discovery and learning with your children – preschool is a great year, full of social and personal growth!



A few things to note:


  • We ask that you send your child in with a small tote/backpack, large enough to fit a folder. We will be providing a folder to send home important notes or art projects, and for you to send in information to us. This folder will remain in the bag each day.


  • Each day, please send your child to school with a NUT-FREE, healthy snack including a water bottle. 


  • Please also send your child with an extra outfit (underwear and socks included!) in a labeled Zip-Loc bag that can stay at school. We will keep these for the year “just in case”


  • Please send a family photo to school. These photos hang on our family photo wall and help to spark many fun conversations! 


  • We believe strongly in children getting outside in all weather (though not during extreme weather or cold). Things like rainboots, raincoats, snow boots and other weather appropriate gear are always helpful throughout the year to ensure that we get out everyday and as much as possible. Communication is essential for a good learning experience to take place. Please feel free to contact us at any time. 




To help us get ready for the school year, we ask you to send in the supplies on the list below. Please only supply whatever your budget allows. We use all items as “community  supplies,” so there is no need to label the items! 



*art smock (large t-shirt is fine! This is not a community supply)


*1 bottle of hand sanitizer


*1 box of tissues


*1 pack of clorox wipes 


*1 roll of paper towels 


*1 can of shaving cream


*1 pack of Elmers purple glue sticks (fat or skinny)


*1 box of Gallon sized ziploc bags

Things we might ask for throughout the year and use if you’re able to contribute!  Water beads, Baking Soda, Bubble Wrap, Googly Eyes, Buttons, Beads, Pipe Cleaners, Pom-Poms, Foil, Textured Paper, Paper Egg Cartons, Empty Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls.





As you prepare to send your child to preschool, we are embarking on a very important partnership between home and school. We know this school year will be filled with great accomplishments, new challenges  - and a lot of fun!


We are looking forward to meeting everyone and are excited for what will be a wonderful school year! Enjoy the last couple weeks of summer!