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Our morning bell rings at 8:25 a.m. signifying the start of the school day.  A five minute grace period is given, and all students are counted present when they are in class by 8:30 a.m., or in attendance for participation in approved school sponsored field trips or events. 


A child reporting after 8:30 a.m. must report to the Principal’s office for a late pass.  They will be marked present and late.   When a student is late three (3) times during a marking period, a conference with the principal may be scheduled with the parent and the student.  Four or more latencies during a marking period may result in detentions, additional conferences, think sheets, student contracts etc.  Please review the discipline policy for more information.


Students absent because of non-school sponsored trips or events shall be recorded as absent.


A student shall be dropped from the roll when he/she has been absent for ten (10) consecutive days with the exception of those students under an approved program of homebound instruction.