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Lab Safety Notes:  Lab Safety Power point.ppt  
Formation of the Solar System:   Formation of the Solar System notes.docx 

Life Cycle of a Star:

Big Bang Theory:  Big Bang Power Point.pptx 

Geologic Time line Notes:  Geologic_Time_An_introduction.ppt 

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics  Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift notes.pptx 

 Igneous Rock Notes  Rock Cycle Notes Part 1 Igneous rocks.pptx 

Volcanoes  Volcano Power Point (16-17).pptx 

Earthquakes  Earthquakes Notes.pptx 

Natural Resources Natural resources 17-18.pptx 

 Climate Notes.pptx 

 Humidity Notes.pptx 








*** *Redo test/quizzes are done at the discretion of the teacher, please contact me if you have a concern about your childs most recent test/quiz grade. 

Please contact me or come to room 25 if you are ever looking for extra help, or need something to be cleared up!