What are you doing this Friday night? Why not start a new tradition of game night! Break out the pizza or popcorn and a game!
Your child doesn't have to have a speech or language issue to do this.. all families should try it!! It's great for the whole family to develop critical thinking, enhance language, social and pragmatic skills, and so many other foundation life skills! Games are the gateway to so many skills!! It is a great way to break away from screen time and "screen" activities do not teach children these essential skills.
My Favorite Game Recommendations:
Headbanz (vocabulary)
Guess Who (Asking questions, describing, categorizing)
Pictionary or Charades (vocabulary/quick sketch game)
Scattergories (creative thinking/category based)
Twister (following directions, color & left/right concepts)
Telephone (memory)
20 Questions (categories/vocabulary)
Distraction (by Thinkfun-Memory skills)
Beat the Parents Trivia Game
Memory or Concentration (with deck of cards; they also make some great sports NHL NFL varieties on Amazon)
Family Talk Cards (conversational cards for family fun)- Try having family dinner together and using family talk cards to generate fun and differnet conversation!
Riddle Moo This (word game)
Can You Name Five? (vocabulary-categories)
Simon Says (Memory, listening, following directions)
Whats in Ned's Head?
See-it? Slam-it!
Pickles to Penguins
Word a Round (For readers/older students)
Puzzles!!! (tip: if you don’t have time to do one all in a day, leave one out on your table each time your child(ren) go by the will put a few pieces in and work on their visual perceptual skills.