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Dear Pre-K student and families!


     We are halfway through the school year. The students are learning in active play using the Creative Curriculum. They are exploring using hands-on centers in: discovery, technology, dramatic play, art, math, writing, blocks, and library. Please continue to provide a healthy snack for the afternoon.


       I will continue to meet you at the Pre-K/Kindergarten door which is past the main entrance door when you drive through the parking lot.  Drop off begins at 8:15 am and I will walk your child to our line up spot inside.  At this point in the year we are walking to our classroom at 8:25am. Your child knows where the classroom is and will walk to the clasrroom on their own as they are becoming independent.


     I continue to use ClassTag for annoucements and to stay connected with you.  If you haven't  downloaded the app to your phone, you might want to so we can instantly message each other throughout the day. 


     If at any time you have questions, comments, concerns, or issues, please reach out to me. Know that you can also schedule a meeting by phone or in person.


Continue to ask your child one of these questions about their day:


  1. What made you feel happy today?
  2. Who did you play with today?
  3. Who did you eat lunch with today?
  4. What made you feel sad today?
  5. What was your favorite activity today?



Mrs. Carroll

Pre-K Teacher