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Is your child ready for Pre-K? What does that mean?  Can they:


* Say their first and last name

* Tell an adult if something is wrong

* Tell an adult if they need help or something

* Take care of basic needs on own (wipe properly in bathroom, use tissues, use soap when washing hands)

* Basic exposure to crayons, pencils, glue, and possibly scissors

* Sing the alphabet

* Count to 10

* Take turns and share

* Practice listening skills

* Practice cleaning up after themselves


Here is a list of things we will work on together in school please continue to practice at home often:


* Following simple directions

* Reading often (the more exposure books the better the imagination and reading ability)

* Sing or recite nursery rhymes

* Practice personal information (birthday, address, phone number)

* Work on putting on clothing (shoes, coats, gloves/mittens)