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  Accounting 2 Syllabus 

*Please click the link above to see a more detailed course description.


 What you will learn in this course:

You will learn how to do business better so you can advise others on what to do.  Accountants learn the rules that govern business. Accountants are the only non-attorneys that can represent clients in tax court.  You will learn computer software, and communication skills.  Remember to be a professional-- you know what to do.  "Wait, don't tell me what you want to do. Tell me what you want to accomplish, and I'll advise you on how to do it."


How you will learn in this course: 

Students will utilize hands on techniques of learning. Accounting concepts will be taught. Then, students practice their knowledge by accomplishing problems relative to real world practices. Some lecture, discussion, practice, and problem solving are techniques used in reaching mastery of the concepts. Also, the use of the computer will illustrate how businesses today are preparing the necessary financial documents needed to analyze and meet guidelines.


Why this course is important:

Jobs, and quick promotions.  You will earn so much money you will never have to live at home again.  You look out for the interest of others. An accountants job is to make others successful.




**If interested in a future career as an ACCOUNTANT please think about joining THE BUSINESS CLUB! More information to follow.