Please review updated attendance policy
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A 18A:38-25, every parent, guardian, or other person having control and custody of a child between ages of six and sixteen shall cause the child to regularly attend school. Regular school attendance is important for a student’s academic success if children do not show up for school regularly,they miss out on building fundamental skills.
What Time Does School Start?
For the 2023-2024 school year, school starts at 8:00am and students will be dismissed at 2:30pm.
What do I do if my child is absent?
If your child is absentfrom school for any reason, please notify the child’s teacher and call the main office's attendance line at 856-786-9300 (option 3 for Charles Street School and then Option 1for Absences). When your child returns to school,the parent/ guardian must provide written documentation via email, or written letter stating why your child was absent within 10 days ofthe absence.
What is an "excused absence” ?
An "excused absence” is a student’s absence from school forthe observance of: i. A Religious observance ii. Closure of a busing districtthat prevents studentfrom having transportation. iii. Visitto post-secondary educational institution (3 visits per year for 11th & 12th grade students) iv. Take Our Children to Work Day v. Participated in observance of Veterans Day or district BOE membership activities Tardies Tardies can equal missed learning and can impact a child’s behavior, self-esteem and school success. Itis importantto have students come to school on time so they can be involved in morning meetings, classroom socialization and the school community.
What can I expect if my student has multiple unexcused absences?
4 Unexcused Absences: A letter will be sent home notifying the family of the absences. 6 -8 Unexcused Absences: A second letter will be issued regarding the attendance and a meeting will be held with the parent to discuss potential barriers. 10+ Unexcused Absences: A third letter will be issued and a truancy referral could potentially be issued.
Who can I contact?
At Charles Street School, we are committed to supporting you and your child. Should you have questions related to your child’s attendance you can contact Miss. Berenato or Mrs. Butler.
What does a verified absence mean?
Verified - unexcused absences for reasons such as illness, doctor's appointments, court dates, etc.that are supported with a note from a parent or doctorthatis provided to the school principal within 10 days. Not Verified - all other unexcused absences will not be considered a valid excuse for missing school and will impact a student's "good standing" fortruancy, and retention / loss of credit.