page contents



ESL Newcomer





Course Overview


This course is designed to support English language learners with little or no previous knowledge of English.  Through thematic units that build students' vocabulary, grammar knowledge and reading and writing skills, students will acquire the necessary skills to communicate effectively in English and achieve academic and social success. 



Classroom Procedures


  • Homework:  Students will be assigned homework on most nights. Homework is posted in Oncourse. Homework will be checked daily and students will receive two points for completing the assignment.  Students may earn half credit for handing in the assignment on the following day.


  • Do now:  At the beginning of class, students will be given a “do now” activity.  These activities are designed to review previous class material and check understanding.


  • Participation: Students are responsible for coming to class ready to learn and with all needed materials for the day’s lesson.  Students are expected to participate fully in all the lesson activities.


  • Extra help:  I am available during lunch and after school for students who may require additional support.






Student Expectations


  • Arrive on time
  • Speak English
  • Be prepared
  • Follow directions
  • Do your best
  • No cell phones


Required Materials



  • Fully charged Chromebook
  • Headphones
  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • Positive attitude