Primarily, students are responsible for using their assignment planners to record homework during the school day. Students may also contact classmates should a planner be left at school. As a courtesy, teachers may post homework electronically. However, this does not replace the student's responsibity for recording his/her own assignments. In addition, assignments posted to the website might not represent occasional last minute homework changes.
Math homework is assigned Monday-Friday. Assignments will typically take no more than 15 minutes. The Math6 online textbook offers tutorial videos for every lesson. Should a student require a refresher, they should watch these videos. The program also offers extra practice online. After watching these videos, should a student still not fully understand the assignment in order to complete his/her homework, the student's parent can write a short note on the homework assignment stating that the child has attempted to complete the assignment but faced difficulties in completing it.
The following outlines the new Homework Board Policy R2330:
On the secondary level, homework can be expected to increase to approximately 1 to 2 hours per week night, in addition to weekends. Homework will not be assigned over extended breaks. The only exception is make-up work. Projects will not be due on the first day back after an extended break.
Grade 6: Homework will average 45 to 60 minutes per day.
Grade 7: 60-70 minutes per day.
Grade 8: 70-80 minutes per day.