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English III

Course Outline







Statement of Philosophy:


The study of the distinct cultures of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and their respective literature helps our students better appreciate their own American experience but as well the universally shared expressions of our common humanity.


Course Description:


This is the required full year English course for Juniors.  Selected works from the earliest English literature through the contemporary literature of the region will be studied, stressing the development and growth of the language through the literature. This course will include Epic poetry, poetry, short stories, novels, plays and essays noting the historical and cultural background of each.

This is also the Junior writing course and the written responses to the literary selections will facilitate writing skills development.  This complementary writing component requires students to compose both short and long analytical essays as well as a longer research based cultural exploration paper. Along with the written component the cultural exploration project will require an oral public speaking component. Students will also learn the necessary skills to successfully complete the college essay.



Class Expectations


  1. Be prepared (chromebook charged)

  2. Be prompt (IN your seat at the bell)

  3. Be respectful (Treat others as you like to be treated)

Routine Expectations

  1. When you are absent it is your responsibility to check the OnCourse Classroom or see a classmate to find out what you have missed.  You are expected to schedule a date with me to make up any work.  The date is to be scheduled within the amount of days you have missed. TESTS AND QUIZZES MUST BE MADE UP WITHIN A WEEK OF YOUR ABSENCE.

  2. All school rules apply in the classroom.  Cell phones should be placed in the designated pocket at the front of the classroom.   



  • Tests/Quizzes

  • Essays - submitted to regularly

  • Projects

  • Classroom Performance

  • Homework


Notebook Requirements

  • Binder or notebook with at least 2 sections including a folder

  • Sections are to be divided into a journal section and class notes

  • Bring notebooks and a writing implement daily.