page contents

Special's Schedule:

Monday: Gym

Tuesday: Art

 Thursday: Spanish

Friday: Music



Snack: Our snack time is between 9:15-9:45am. Please remember to send in a healthy snack and drink with your child. 


Lunch: We eat lunch at 11:30am. If your child packs a lunch remember to send a drink for this times as well.


Folders: Please check your child's folder every night. They will have homework and other important information in them. Homework will be given out Monday through Thursday. The "homework" is additional practice for what we are doing in school. The children do get excited about the idea of homework. I do ask that you check over their homework, this way we can be sure they are doing it correctly. 


Communication Folders: Go out on Wednesday! Please return this folder by the end of the week. In these folders you will find important information from the school. 


We will have recess time outside when the weather permits. The children will also have morning and afternoon play centers in the classroom daily as well.


Prek Testing: Students will be tested three times throughout the year. First assessment will be in November (Before Conferences), second assessment in February and the final assessment will take place in May. 


Kindergarten Testing/ Speech for Next Year will take place in May


Prek Graduation takes place in the beginning of June. 

















Please check our events section!