Oldmans Township School Media Center
Social Studies
World Factbook - CIA
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government - K to 12
1492: An ongoing voyage - Columbus and the new world.
Mayflower History - The Mayflower Compact, the Mayflower passenger list, and lots more information on the first permanent settlement in New England.
The Pilgrim Story - The history of the Pilgrims from Pilgrim Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
13 Originals - Founding the American Colonies. Brief histories of the founding of each colony.
Colonial Currency - Plenty of pictures of colonial money.
Colonial Williamsburg - Visit a colonial town.
USHistory.Org - Information on colonial Philadelphia, and links to other American history sites. By the Independence Hall Association of Philadelphia
Virtual Tour of Historic Philadelphia - Take a tour of the most historic mile in America. See Independence Hall, Carpenters Hall, The Liberty Bell and much, much more.
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