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Reading Workshop-
*Please be sure to encourage your children to read each night at home*
Reading workshop typically begins with a mini-lesson that introduces a new reading strategy. Students then spend time finding books on their level that challenge them to continue to grow as readers and apply the new skills independently as they read in a spot of their choice. At the end of our time each day in reading workshop the students will have an opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings on what they read and the skill they were working on. Overall, during reading workshop, students will be spending most of their time immersed in reading!
Helpful Reading Tip for Home:
Finding a "Just Right" Book:  Finding a book that is just right can be hard.  Children need a book that is interesting, challenging, but not too difficult. 
 To help your child find a "Just Right" book remind them of the Five Finger Rule. 
        1. In the Five Finger Rule you take out a book and read the first full page. 
        2. As they read if they come to a word they do not understand they put up a finger.
        3. Continue doing this while reading the first page. At the end they check to see how many fingers they put up. 
        4. If they put up 0-1 fingers then that book is too easy. 
        5. If they put up two or three fingers that book is just right. 
        6. If they put up four fingers when reading that book they may need assistance. 
        7. If they put up five fingers that book is too hard. 
Writing Workshop- 
*Please be sure to encourage your children to tell stories at home* 
Writing workshop is structured in a way that is similar to reading workshop. Each day will begin with a mini-lesson to introduce a new writing strategy that students can use. Then, students are given the opportunity to write independently while also applying the new skill.  We will be working on many different types of writing this year including narratives, persuasive, and expository.  At the end of writing workshop the students will come together to share discuss their writings. Writing workshop will be a time for students to become the best writers they can be!