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Ms. Bayeux’s Homework Policy 2020-2021



To the family of____________________________________________


Why I assign homework:

I believe that homework is an important part of reinforcing material covered in class.  Also, homework is a wonderful way for the student to apply skills they acquired in class at home independently.  Also, homework can help students use their imaginations while learning responsibility and time management.


When homework will be assigned:

Homework will usually be assigned 3-4 evenings per week.  I will try not to assign homework on Friday nights; however, sometimes I will assign homework for the weekends.  Assignments should take students no longer than one hour to complete.  Also, I encourage students to begin studying for tests and quizzes as soon as I announce them. 


Student’s homework responsibilities:

I expect students to complete all homework assignments with pride.  All assignments should be completed in a notebook designated specifically for our class.  Also, all assignments should be presented neatly.  I encourage students to type assignments on the computer; however, I also accept hand-written assignments.  All assignments should be turned in on time for my review.


Teacher’s homework responsibilities:

I will review every homework assignment.  I will let you know in advance when I plan on collecting and grading an assignment.  Also, since homework is an excellent chance for me to review each student’s individual progress, I may have individual conferences with students to discuss performance on specific assignments.  Finally, students will be rewarded for consistently turning in homework of excellent caliber.


Parent’s homework responsibilities:

Studies show that when parents are involved in homework, a child’s learning experience is very positive.  That being said, I encourage parents to spend at least 15 minutes each night with their child reviewing homework.  Please provide students with a quiet, well-lit area to complete homework assignments.  Also, please set aside a specific time for homework to be completed.  Finally, please let me know if there are any problems with the homework.


If students do not complete homework:

If students do not complete homework, it will greatly affect their grade, and performance in class.  Any homework that is not ready for presentation and review upon arrival to class will automatically drop down to a grade of 70 if it is turned in the next day.  After that, the assignment will incur an additional 10-point penalty for each day that it is not turned in.  In other words, if an assignment is due on Tuesday, but the student turns it in on Wednesday, the grade would be a 70 if the assignment were presentable.  Also, if a student does not make up a missed assignment, they will earn a ZERO for that particular assignment.  If a student misses more than one assignment in a row, I will notify the parents via phone email immediately.  I may also ask the student to sign a homework contract, and keep a daily homework log, which will be signed by a parent.


Of course I realize that sometimes circumstances that prevent a child from completing homework may arise.  In that event, please contact me so that we can come up with a solution together.


Please review this homework policy with your child, sign, and return the bottom portion of this letter to me.  Thank you!


Ms. Bayeux

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I have read this homework policy and have discussed it with my child.  Date:

Parent’s signature: __________________   Student’s signature:______________________