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Ms. Bayeux’s Classroom Rules and Discipline Policy



              Part of being good citizens is demonstrating good neighbor behavior in respect to others.  This is essential for learning and imperative in the classroom.  Therefore, students will show respect and consideration to others at all times by observing the classroom rules.  Also, writing in response to literature can be very challenging and personal to share and discuss.  Therefore, students are encouraged to be supportive and considerate of each other and to offer constructive feedback to their neighbors during class discussions.


Classroom Discipline Policy:  As we are all here to learn and form a classroom community of knowledge, respect, and consideration, any discipline problems will be viewed as disruptions to the learning process.  I expect that everyone will conduct him or herself with self-respect and show respect to others.  Any unfavorable behavior that disrupts the learning process will have serious consequences!!!




  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Don’t waste time; we cannot get this back if we squander it!
  3. Bring all materials to class including assignments, notebooks, books, and writing utensils.
  4. Raise your hand if you have something to say and wait for permission to speak.
  5. Do not talk back, mock, interrupt, or insult others.


Consequences:  ***Severe Clause:  Student will be sent to Mrs. Barrale’s office immediately.***


First Consequence:  Warning (It’s all in my eyes!)

Second Consequence:  Phone Call Home / Notify Mrs. Barrale / Lunch Detention

Third Consequence:  2nd Phone Call Home/ Formal Written Referral to Mrs. Barrale / Loss of Privileges