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The following is a recipe for successful parenting:

The ABC's for Parents


A - Ask your child about the school day.
B - Begin your child's day with a nourishing breakfast.
C - Congratulate your child for doing well.
D - Discuss homework with your child.
E - Encourage your child to read.
F - Find a quiet place for your child to study.
G - Give your child responsibility.
H - Hug your child to build self worth.
 I - Include your child in making simple family decisions.
J - Join a library with your child.
K - Keep your child on a schedule that includes exercise and sleep.
L - Limit T.V. viewing by selecting programs with your child.
M - Make the time you spend with your child special.
N - Notice and discuss changes in your child's behavior.
O - Offer to help your child organize school papers.
P - Provide your child with good role models.
Q - Question the activities your child shares with friends.
R - Respect your child's right to have opinions different than yours.
S - Share an interest or hobby with your child.
T - Take time to listen to your child.
U - Understand, take time to understand what your child tells you.
V - Visit places of interest with your child.
W - Work with your child to set up rules for behavior.
X - Xerox and save records or articles that benefit your child.
Y - Yield results by encouraging your child to do better.
Z - ZOOM through these ABCs again and again

(Author unknown)