Student of the Month 2024-2025
Baraa- September
Lucas- October
Ronan- November
Trimester 2
Unit 4 Shaping Landforms
Factors that Shape Earth’s Surface
Rock Layers Record Landform Changes
Unit 5 Earth’s Features and Resources
Patterns visible on maps of the Earth’s surface
How can people reduce the impact of climate change and natural hazards?
Renewable and Nonrenewable resources
Social Studies
Unit 2: Era 2 Exploration, Colonization and Settlement (1585–1763)
Content-based Essential Questions:
What were the effects of European exploration in the Americas?
Short Term
Long Term
What challenges did the first English colonies face?
Who settled where and why?
Why did some settlements succeed and others fail?
NJ Focus:
European Explorers: Dutch and English Colonies in NJ
European Influence on NJ History
Early English Settlements (situate the Spanish, Dutch and French settlements, too); Jamestown
The English colonies: geography; economics; peoples; politics
Slavery in the colonies
Social life
Lives of native peoples
Cooperation & conflict between Europeans and Native Americans
and Europeans