Welcome to Dr. Smith's Eighth Grade!
Hello! Welcome to 8th grade Mathematics at Horace Mann School with Dr. Smith.
I can be reached at [email protected].
Below you will find information about what students are currently working on as well as a copy of the student contract! Any other questions please feel free to email me at [email protected] !
Grade 8 Student Contract: 8th Grade Math Contract- Jsmith 2024-2025.pdf
Math Department Website:
Class of 2021 and beyond High School Graduation Requirements:
High School Grad Requirements.pdf
We are now operating in Trimesters rather than Marking Periods.
All major Assessments are announced with
ample notice to ensure proper preparation.
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
Tests 60%
Quizzes 20%
Classwork 10%
Homework 10%
Please see Schoology for up-to-date assignments and Genesis Portals for up-to-date grades.
1) Be sure you are dressed according to the district policy dress code. If you are out of uniform you will be given detention.
2) If you are absent, remember to be responsible. Upon your return to school please see me regarding missed assignments. Everything, everyday counts!
3) Complete homework each night. If there is no written assignment for that evening, you should be studying. No exceptions
4) Please return all notices sent home to be signed in a timely manner.