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Welcome to 7th & 8th grade Science! 


Mr. Babilonia

[email protected]





Required Textbook: Each student has been issued a Science textbook to use in class and at home. The textbook is: HMH Science Dimensions. To access online text book hover over students and click on ed: science 






Special's for Mr. Babilonia Homeroom are the following:


Monday - P.E


Tuesday - P.E.


Wednesday - Technology


Thursday - Technology


Friday - Art




Grading Policy for Science 7th & 8th Grade


Test's: 65 %

District Assessment 5%

Lab/Quiz: 20%

Homework: 10% 




Current Topics:


8th Grade:Forces, Motion and Fields

7th Grade: Geologic processes & History



 Important Dates:


7th & 8th Grades: 


Science project title due- October 29, 2020


Science Project Due date December 9, 2020