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Classroom Expectations & Philosophy 


  • Students will be asked to have certain reading assignments done from the textbook weekly. These reading assignments will be discussed in class on the official due date given.


  • Students are expected to complete all homework assignments, unless given a homework pass. Each section that’s covered in our textbook will have vocabulary words that each student must submit.


  • After covering the sections we need to cover in class, a test will be given. Every student is expected to pass their test. Each test will consist of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and a critical thinking question or questions.Students will be expected to participate in class discussions and reading. They will have an opportunity to share their views on certain discussions in class.
    • Note: If each student takes the time out to do A. (Reading Assignments) and B. (Written Homework Assignments) then C. (Test) will not be a problem.


  • All students are expected to submit assignments on time. Each assignment will be given a due date.


  • Each student is expected to be in class for each session. Extreme medical and family emergencies are rare, but they will happen. If this does happen, please notify a school official or an excuse.


  • Students are expected to be in class on time. Students will be held accountable. Late students become late employees. Therefore, we want to break this behavior and help our students become productive citizens.




Mr. Brass Philosophy of Education




  • The background of a student does not matter because all students are the same in my classroom. Each student will be challenged and expected to take their minds and academics to another level.


  • One of my friend’s Calleen Morgan Jones once said, “I’m not a genius; I’m the same as everyone else. If people applied themselves and study like I do, then they will have great grades too.”


  • Her words are what I submit to you today, challenge your kids to apply themselves in their academics and to work hard in everything they are part of. If they do so, they will finish with grades beyond average and excel in anything they set out to accomplish.