Short A (an, ap, at, ax)
Short E (em, en, et)
Short I (ib, id, in, ip, it, ix)
Short O (ob, od, og, om, op, ot, ox)
Short U (ub, ud, ug, um, un, up, ut)
Short A Word Families (ack, all, amp, and, ang, ank, ant, ash, ast)
Short E Word Families (eck, ell, end, est)
Short I Word Families (ick, il, ing, ink, ish)
Short O Word Families (ock, op, ot)
Short U Word Families (uck, ump, ung, unk, ush)
CVCE-Long A (ace, age, ake, ale, ame, ane, ape, ase, ate, ave)
CVCE- Long I (ice, ide, ike, ile, ime, ine, ipe, ire, ite, ive)
CVCE- Long O (obe, ode, oke, ole, ome, one, ose, ote)
CVCE- Long U (ube, une, ute)
CVC/CVCE Comparisons
Beginning Digraphs (ch, kn, ph, sh, th, wh, wr)
Ending Digraphs (ch, ck, nd, ng, nk, sh, th)
Beginning Blends: L-Blends (bl, sl, pl, gl, fl, cl)
Beginning Blends: R-Blends (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr)
Beginning Blends: S-Blends (sp, sk, sl, sn, sm, sc, st, sw)
Ending Blends: S-Blends (sk, sp, st)
Ending Blends: R-Blends (rd, rf, rk, rl, rm, rn, rp, rt)
Ending Blends: L-Blends (lb, ld, lf, lk, lm, lp, lt)
Ending Blends: N-Blends & MP-Blends (mp, nt, nd, nk)
Vowel Teams: Long a (ai, ay)
Vowel Teams: Long e (ea, ee, ey, ie)
Vowel Teams: Long i (ie, igh)
Vowel Teams: Long o (oa, oe)
Vowel Teams: Long u (ue, ui, ew)
R-Controlled Vowels (er, ir, ur, or, ar)
Diphthongs (au, aw, oi, oy, ou, ow, ew, oo)
Same Sounds (vowel teams)
Silent Letters (silent r, l, c, b, d, g, h, k, p, t)
Soft C and Soft G
- ack: back, hack, pack, rack
- ain: brain, chain, main, plain
- ake: awake, bake, cake, fake
- ale: ale, bale, sale, tale
- all: all, ball, call, hall
- ame: blame, came, game, same
- an: an, ban, can, pan
- ank: bank, drank, sank, tank
- ap: cap, map, rap, tap
- ash: bash, dash, rash, sash
- at: bat, cat, fat, mat
- ate: fate, gate, late, rate
- aw: claw, draw, paw, saw
- ay: day, hay, may, say
- eat: beat, feat, meat, seat
- ell: bell, fell, tell, well
- est: best, rest, vest, west
- ice: dice, mice, nice, rice
- ick: brick, kick, pick, sick
- ide: bride, hide, ride, side
- ight: bright, fight, light, night
- ill: bill, hill, pill, still
- in: bin, chin, grin, tin
- ine: dine, fine, mine, vine
- ing: bring, king, sing, wing
- ink: drink, link, pink, sink
- ip: chip, dip, lip, sip
- it: bit, fit, hit, sit
- ock: block, clock, rock, sock
- op: cop, hop, mop, top
- ore: bore, more, sore, tore
- ot: got, hot, not, rot
- uck: buck, duck luck, tuck
- ug: bug, hug, mug, rug
- ump: bump, dump, jump, pump
- unk: bunk, dunk, junk,sunk
Language Arts:
Read/decode sight words and decodable words.
Spell basic sight words correctly.
Retell simple stories verbally.
Make up and write a simple sentence independently.
o Follows SWAG: start with capital letter, written neatly, a finger space between each
word, and given proper punctuation at end
Speak clearly when asked simple questions about reading passages (who, what, where,
when, why, how)
Answer questions about a book using evidence from the text
Read on-level books aloud and verbally summarize.
Compare and contrast elements of different stories, including characters, settings, and major
Explain how texts that tell stories are different from texts that provide information
Use descriptive details to describe people, events, ideas, and feelings
Talk with others, using the rules of listening, asking questions, and waiting their turn to respond
(like in class discussions)
Write a single topic and provide a few facts or details about it