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OT’s do NOT teach handwriting


Handwriting is a complex process of managing written language by coordinating the eyes, arms, hands, pencil grip, letter formation, and body posture. The development of a child's handwriting can provide clues to developmental problems that could hinder a child's learning because teachers depend on written work to measure how well a child is learning  (AOTA, 2015).


Occupational therapists can evaluate the underlying components that support a student's handwriting, such as muscle strength, endurance, coordination, and motor control, and parents can encourage activities at home to support good handwriting skills.


Some ways an occupational therapist can help improve handwriting:

  • Demonstrate proper posture to supports the proper use of the arms, hands, head, and eyes.
  • Measure the level of physical strength and endurance.
  • Analyze fine motor control, such as the ability to hold a writing utensil.
  • Determine visual and perceptual ability that influences a child's ability to form letter and shapes using a writing utensil.
  • Help develop and evaluate handwriting curriculums and collaborate with teachers on effective strategies.
  • Suggest home activities that promote the development of skills needed in good handwriting.



What can parents and families do?

  • Encourage children to participate in sports and games that could improve visual, motor, and coordination skills, such as playing ball, jacks, marbles, and outdoor sports.
  • Require children and teens to use silverware when eating to develop handgrip.
  • Provide an activity that exercises the hands, such as cutting pie dough or pizza and using cookie cutters.
  • Encourage writing handwritten letters to grandparents and friends.





Resourse for teaching proper pencil grasp (click below): 
