page contents



 Mrs. Berman & Mrs. Bertoldo  



 17 John 3:16 ideas | john 3:16, word of god, bible verses 



Please do not send changes in dismissal to my email. Please call the Office with changes.









Dates to Remember 


Friday, February 28th Last Day of the 2nd Trimester
Wednesday, March 5th Ash Wednesday
Science Test Thursday, March 6th
Friday, March 7th
 is Harry Potter Day!
Please have the next novel
We're Not From Here by Geoff Rodkey 
by Monday, March 10th
Tuesday, March 11th Science Fair
Wednesday, March 12th  is a half day.
Friday , March 28th Career Day 4th - 8th grades




2nd Trimester Specials


 Monday - Gym

Tuesday - Spanish

Wednesday - Computers

Thursday - Art

Friday - STEAM




 You can contact me: [email protected]