Mrs. Cotgreave & Mrs. Shambach
Here are some things that are NOT required but are just for fun:
Students are free to bring in any fun items that relate to our story/characters
(wands, owls, etc...)
They may wear ANY Hogwarts attire - robes and other garments do not have to be for the house they were picked to be in.
Another option would be to dress down in your house colors.
For our Quidditch game, students will need to have a tee/top in the color of their house.
This is for the game only - it can go over another top if need be.
No robes will be worn for the game.
Sneakers are required for the game.
The students should bring/buy lunch in the same fashion they always do. Lunch will not be provided, but snacks and fun drinks will be.
Prepare to have our next novel We're Not From Here by Geoff Rodkey
IN CLASS by March 10.
Dates to Remember:
Reminder: GALA 2025 donations are being collected now.
2nd Trimester Specials for 4B
Monday - computers
Tuesday - gym
Wednesday - art
Thursday - Spanish
Friday - STEAM