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Hello Artists!!



Hi! I'm Ms. Marchand,  your art teacher!!


Ms. M and Weston.jpg





Who is Ms. Marchand? 

Welcome to ART!! It's so nice to meet you!  My name is Ms. Marchand, or Ms. M. I have been teaching art at Milltown School, in Bridgewater, since it opened in 2005. Before Milltown School I taught art in Philadelphia and Hampton, VA.

It's been 23 years all together.

I live in Chester, NJ.  I have one son, Weston. 
He is 6 years old and going into first grade. We live with our cat, Nick, and my husband Sean. 

(See our summer pictures in the google classroom!)





Check out the Art Google Classroom. 


Google Classroom Code;  2ajujao


All Students should have been invited to join through their email. 

If for any reason you or your child was not invited

please email Ms. Marchand at-   [email protected]







Welcome To Our Art Program



This year at Bradley Gardens and Milltown School

students in grades 1-4 will have art

once a week for 40minutes.

Students in Kindergarten and Pre-School will have art 

once a week for 20 minutes



During the school year we study various artists from around

the world and throughout history.

We will also be reading books and creating artwork based off the illustrations. 

And we will tie it altogether through the art elements and principles of design. 


To create our projects we will explore as many different

art techniques as we can by using

what we have have avalible in the art room!!


We hope that you will check back throughout the year

to see what we are learning and creating!