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Virtual Art and All About Artists!!!



Check out some interesting artwork and fantastic artists!

Click on the picture to open the link and have fun exploring.  


If you find any new artists or artwork that you think others would like,

just email the link to Mrs. Marchand.


Have fun and enjoy!!





Allan Gorman


And yes these are paintings!!!








Allan Gorman was born in Brooklyn, New York and currently lives in West Orange, New Jersey.  He creates photorealistic paintings of objects. Photorealism is when an artist studies a phtograph and then attemps to reproduce the image as realistcly as possible.


Allan Gorman's Artist Statment:

"I’m drawn to the hidden abstract patterns, random shapes and aesthetic tensions I see in manufactured objects — particularly within the confines of structures and machinery.

My art is an attempt to convey the moods and drama I see, and I ask viewers to share a journey of discovery with the hope they’ll become as excited, fascinated, and moved as I am about the beauty that can be found in what’s often taken for commonplace.
In this way, the works are sort of abstract compositions found In the guise of realism, and I use this notion to inform my choices of what to present."




John Pugh





John Pugh is a trompe l'oeil muralist. Trompe L'oeil is a visual illusion in art, especially as used to trick the eye into thinking a flat,

painted detail is realy a three-dimensional object.  A mural is a painting or other work of art done directly on a wall.


“For more than 30 years, world-renowned trompe l’oeil artist John Pugh has engaged and captivated the public with large-scale mural projects in spaces across the world,

including San Francisco, Miami, and New York, as well as Taiwan, Mexico, and New Zealand.

His “trick of the eye” murals cleverly fool the viewer into seeing a modern facade’s broken wall revealing Greek columns or a woman reading in a cafe.

But Pugh’s paintings also capture the imagination and engage the mind. Within a framework of artfully rendered illusionary space,

he orchestrates layers of historical, social, and mythical commentary that challenge the viewer to find deeper levels of meaning.


With his work now exceeding 200 murals, Pugh has been instrumental in revitalizing the trompe l’oeil genre, turning it into a legitimate

and vital mode of artistic expression that is both aesthetically and intellectually challenging.

In Pugh’s own words, ‘It can link people together, stimulate a sense of pride within the community, and introduce the viewer to new ideas and perspectives.'”


-Kevin Bruce, Author of The Murals of John Pugh: Beyond Trompe L’oeil, 2006


Check out his work. You are sure to be amazed, inspired, and

in awe of  his super large, realistic murals.




Jean Shin









"Jean Shin is nationally recognized for her installations that transform everyday objects into elegant expressions of identity and community.

For each project, she creates and gathers collections of a particular object- prescription pill bottles, sports trophies, sweaters-

which are often sourced through donations from individuals in a participating community.

These intimate objects then become the materials for her sculptures, videos and site-specific installations.

Distinguished by her meticulous, labor-intensive process, and her engagement of community,

Shin’s installations reflect individuals’ personal lives as well as collective issues that we face as a society."


"By transforming collections of everyday objects into artowork, my work speaks to the optimism inherent in giving new form to life’s leftovers. 

In my sculptures and large-scale installations, I seek to recall an object’s past, as well as suggest its greater connection to our collective memories, desires and failures. 


My collections of everyday materials includes broken umbrellas, donated clothing, losing lottery tickets, empty wine bottles and discarded computer keycaps. 
These humble remnants, often forgotten and no longer “useful”, nevertheless retain the traces of their former lives. 
After accumulating and deconstructing hundreds—sometimes even thousands—of these cast-offs, I synthesize the collection of them into
new constructions for my sculptures, videos and site-specific installations."  -Jean Shin
Check out more of her increadible sculptures, instelations, and artwork here:




Thomas Dambo




Thomas Dambo is an artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together with his crew,

Thomas makes beautiful and fun projects out of “trash” / recycled materials,

which they find around the city dumpsters. By doing this he hopes to inspire people to

have fun and think of trash as a resource.


He is known for his incredible outdoor sculptures that depict huge, mythical trolls.

For one of his project, he was commissioned by Tomorrowland Festival 

to transform De Schorre park in Boom, Belgium into an enchanting forest that

seven of his “friendly giants” have claimed as their home. 


“Since I was a child I always loved to hear different fairytales and folklore stories,

and dream myself away into magical worlds filled with dragons and trolls,” reveals Dambo.

“As a teenager I started writing my own stories as a rapper, putting out records, touring and creating a universe,

where I could tell these stories. In my latest project, I combined all of the above.

Recycling, Rapping, Nature, and Sculptures.”


You can check out photos of the 7 Trolls and The Magical Tower installation  here:




Willard Wigan



Willard Wigan is the creator of the worlds smallest hand made artworks in history. 

His sculptures are so small he has to create them under a microscope.

And one small breath in or out can be cause for a disaster. 

As a young boy he found both reading and writing was not easy for him.

At that time children did not get much help with autism or with learning difficulties.

Because of this, he had a very hard time in school.

So he decided at the age of 5  to show the world that nothing does exist

and nothing really does matter. And he did!!


His microscopic artwork has received numerous awards and

been recognized and honored all over the world.

His sculptures are truly incredible and unbelievably tiny!! 


Check out his work. You are sure to be amazed, inspired, and

in awe of  his microscopic, tiny, nothing world.